Lenses and Perspective


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Presentation transcript:

Lenses and Perspective

Reading a Lens Maximum F or T # Focal Length: power to bend light from subject Distance scale Focus Index DOF Scale Hyperfocal Distance Filter Thread Size in mm AF/MF Minimum focus distance

Basics Zooms are usually slower and $$$ Crop factor and focal length Full frame and crop (APS-C) Wide, Normal, and Long Sharpness is created through glass/focus (why we turn it off in the picture profile). Use manual focus lenses (not autofocus) “Breathing”

More Basics Know your DOF when working w/ actors for marking DOF factors? Bokeh: blur characteristics of a lens (usually circular) Hoods, matte boxes, etc. Lens flare: light enters, doesn't hit censor, bounces around

Prime Lenses and Variable FL Fixed focal length Usually faster Better in low light Must move camera Ideal for narrative Variable Focal Length Usually slower Can achieve framing w/out moving Fixed aperture v. Variable Aperture Ideal for beginning shooters or doc

Perspective Relationship of objects along depth plane Distance, spatial dimensions, and 3D Use DOF to control audience's eye Forced perspective (wide and telephoto) Increase focal length=magnifies whole image Dolly in, foreground appears larger

Creating Perspective Pull the subject away from walls Shoot against a corner Have the subject deeper in the frame, behind a well defined foreground Use light/lighting/color to create depth Determine angle for shots to actor's perspective Have action occur along the depth axis Make lens choice and reposition camera, don't arrange a scene to work w/ camera FIRST

Normal Lens Usually a 50mm Perspective and frame of how we see Try to shoot in normal perspective when you can to show how we see

Long Lens Technique Use to compress space Use longer lens for chases/fights, and camera at further distance, appears faster Use longer lenses for close ups Use for portrait or product work When compressing actor distance, move camera away to keep all in frame Shooting person in back of a car from front: creates shallow DOF

Wide-Angle Technique Exaggerates perspective, great DOF, wide FOV Opens up confined spaces Try to use for establishing shots; allows focus on multiple planes Perspective affects movement in front of lens; use to exaggerate movement speed along depth plane Actors must exaggerate movement forward/backward to show up

Wide Angle Technique Cont'd Low Angle shot, shoot with wide angle lens To distort subject size in relation to background, move closer For Dutch tilt, use low height, low angle, and wide angle lens

Canon Lenses 50mm f/1.4 (80mm w/ CF) 85mm f/1.8 (136mm w/ CF) Communicate with camera

Rokinon CINE lenses: gears for follow focus, click-less aperture (must adjust f/# on lens) 24mm (38mm w/ CF): *close to true 50mm focal length Landscapes, buildings, wide FOV, greater DOF, exaggerate perspective, distortion of foreground 35mm (56mm w/ CF): *close to 50mm 85mm (136mm w/ CF): telephoto Close-ups, products, portrait, shallow DOF, compresses perspective