Temple of Portunus- Roman Republic
The Sibyl or Vesta- Roman Republic
Aulus Metellus- Roman Republic
Funerary Relief with Portraits of the Gessii- Roman Republic
Head of a Roman Patrician- Roman Republic
Augustus of Primaporta- Early Rome
Ara Pacis- Early Rome
Gemma Augustea- Early Rome
Brawl in the Pompeii amphitheater- Early Rome
Colosseum- Early Rome
Dionysiac mystery frieze- Early Rome
Portrait of a husband and wife- Early Rome
Neptune and Amphitrite wall mosaic - Early Rome
Arch of Titus- Early Rome
Trajan’s Column- High Rome
Portrait bust of Hadrian - High Rome
Pantheon- High Rome
Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius - High Rome
Marcus Aurelius- High Rome
Commodus as Hercules- Late Rome
Portrait of Septimius Severus and his family- Late Rome
Portrait of Caracalla- Late Rome
Marcus Aurelius- Late Rome
Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs- Late Rome
Arch of Constantine- Late Rome
Portrait of Constantine - Late Rome