lcsim: Physics & Detector Simulations


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Presentation transcript:

lcsim: Physics & Detector Simulations LCWS 2011 Granada, Spain September 27, 2011 Norman Graf SLAC

Framework Overview APPLICATIONS DATA Event Gen StdHep LCIO Events SLIC Pythia, WHIZARD, etc. StdHep Event Gen LCDD LCIO Events SLIC Simulation LCIO PFOs Event Reconstruction Pandora XML Tracking PFA Compact LCIO AIDA Event Analysis LCSim Publication JAS3 Wired Tuple Analysis Visualization

Simulation & Reconstruction SLIC provides full detector simulation in Geant4 - runtime detector description in XML - stdhep input - standard LCIO output org.lcsim reconstruction/analysis suite Java-based reconstruction & analysis framework full, ab initio signal digitization, track finding & fitting, calorimeter cluster finding and association (PFA) LCIO provides access to global LC code base flavor-tagging via LCFI PFA via Pandora AIDA histogramming and fitting WIRED 3-D event display

slic updates LCIO2.0 Read spin and color flow from input stdhep event, add to MCParticles. If requested, store and save calorimeter hit positions within cells to enable more refined hit calculations.

slic updates Using geant4 9.4.p02 Testing geant4 9.5 beta Comparing new physics lists Await some guidance from CALICE SCTG will agree on a common set for the DBD Testing geant4 9.5 beta Would like to use 9.5 for DBD production May incorporate charge sharing calculations for RPC response into slic directly Awaiting results of space and CPU usage

org.lcsim Calorimetry RPC response will be improved to account for charge sharing across readout pads, electronic noise and inefficiency. Algorithms will be implemented in reconstruction software, may be migrated to simulation software if deemed appropriate. GEM and Micromegas responses will also be modelled. Scintillator response will still be supported, input from CALICE on uniformity, etc. will be used.

org.lcsim Tracking I TrackerHit classes will make use of new LCIO classes which support 1D and 2D hits on planar surfaces. Track will incorporate new TrackState classes. Existing collections will be moved. Improvements in silicon pixel response simulations will be presented by N. Sinev on Wednesday. Status of non-prompt tracking will be presented by B. Schumm on Wednesday.

org.lcsim Tracking II Work ongoing to implement existing Kalman Filter code into standard reconstruction stream. Extrapolator will be used to calculate TrackStates at Calorimeter face and at the dca to the IP. Work ongoing to improve overall tracking simulations Effects of field map will be investigated. Runge-Kutta stepper code being adapted.

Individual Particle Reconstruction

PFA R. Zaidan will present the status of the UIowa PFA on Thursday morning. slicPandora was successfully used to simulate the response of SiD’ (clic_sid_cdr) for the CLiC CDR. A. Muennich will present the results Thursday AM. Number of improvements have been made recently internal restructuring to provide more flexibility in defining input LCIO collections accommodation of changes to pandoraPFA itself See next talk by J. Marshall.

Vertexing LCFIVertex has been used for the LOI and CDR to provide secondary vertex identification and jet flavor tagging. See talk by J. Strube on Wednesday Intend to follow new developments in LCFIVertexPlus and adopt to them as necessary. See talk by T. Tanabe on Wednesday

SLAC Scientific Computing Applications New group formed at SLAC last year Amalgamation of previous Babar, Fermi, Geant4, Computing Division groups ~25 people providing software application support to experiments at SLAC Currently no dedicated funding for ILC/SiD/lcsim but proposal being developed to submit to DOE lcsim is getting some indirect support WIRED Support taken over by Dmitry Onoprienko Effort funded by Fermi (a.k.a GLAST) Reuse of Fermi pipeline/data catalog JAS/Plotter Support taken over by Brian Van Klaveren Funded by Fermi, LSST Work on new plotter ongoing

JAS3 & Wired Support for spin and color information in stdhep and lcio files has been added to the lcio browser. Number of improvements added to the Wired event display. object selection fully synchronized between all panels, tools, and views keyboard shortcuts ability to clone views (visibility, selection, cuts settings will remain shared among all cloned views) and to copy views (initial settings for visibility, selection, and cuts are copied from an existing view) selection is preserved when switching tools/handlers/control panels WIRED settings are integrated into JAS3 preferences menu picking options are fully functional cuts functionality extended. Manual available at Plan to implement online web start version (similar to Fermi/GLAST)

JAS/Plotter New plotter under development Already in use by EXO, LSST JAS3 will be updated to include this plotter Many improvements over existing plotter Cleaner design aids extensibility More plot types More control over plot style “publication quality plots” Cleaner separation of code separates graphics from code Java 2D pdf/svg/png etc HTML5 canvas opengl/webgl New feature requests welcome

Reuse of GLAST pipeline/data catalog “pipeline” + data catalog developed for GLAST Allows automation/book-keeping/reprocessing for large number of batch jobs Allows datasets to be easily found and accessed Can submit jobs to LSF, BQS, Condor Being interfaced to Grid Already being used by EXO, SuperCDMS experiments Possibility to use this for automation of future event sample generation

Detector Optimization Not yet settled on final SiD version to be used for the physics benchmarking. Expect detector optimization studies to be undertaken in the next several months. Sub-detector optimizations and studies will continue beyond the freeze-out point. In addition to the baseline, some alternatives will be studied e.g. all-pixel silicon tracker (SPT).

The Grid SiD intends to make full use of Grid Storage Element and computing resources for the DBD detector response simulation and physics benchmarking exercise. Full tool chain using Dirac has been developed and successfully used to complete the CLiC CDR exercise. Will work with ILD colleagues under the aegis of the SCTG to arrive at common solutions and resource sharing agreement.

DBD Physics Benchmarking We are looking forward to freezing the accelerator parameters for the purpose of physics benchmarking event generation at this meeting. To minimize the computing and storage resources, and to streamline the bookkeeping, I would personally prefer to have a minimal set of events. e.g. pre-mixed polarizations See talk by A. Miyamoto later in this session for details.

The Path to 2012 Focus and goal for SiD is the Detailed Baseline Design of the detector for 2012. Ongoing work in all subsystems, but each on its own timeline – aiming for convergence by 2012, but it is clear that R&D will continue beyond this point. Developing more realistic detector description – folding in increasing realism in subsystem elements and modifying simulation and reconstruction software to accommodate these improvements. Mutually beneficial cooperation and collaboration with CLiC detector group on SiD’.

Strategy for Future Lepton Collider Physics/Detector Studies Five HEP labs presented DOE HEP with a “White Paper on US Strategy for Physics and Detectors at Future Lepton Colliders” at the HEP Electron Program review in 2010 Urged support for continued studies of the physics and detectors at lepton colliders, suggesting what studies were appropriate, and proposing in general terms how to proceed They noted that the desired energy reach is still uncertain, and listed several candidate machines at different stages of development, ILC (mature), CLIC (evolving), and the MuonCollider (MuC) (nascent) with different energy capabilities. They also noted that an even-handed comparison of these different options would educate the whole HEP community and prepare it for a rational choice in the future Snowmass 2013 clearly represents such an opportunity

Lepton Collider Framework Proposal Goal: Establish the physics capability for energy frontier lepton colliders LCFP will coordinate studies needed to reach that goal Define and compare the physics potential for Lepton Colliders with a common benchmarks and simulation tools Evaluate machine backgrounds and their impact on physics capabilities Provide feedback to the machine designs Support developing detector concepts for Lepton Colliders Provide a common simulation framework Establish a list of critical R&D required Coordinate Lepton Collider related detector R&D as part of a national generic R&D program D. MacFarlane

Beyond 2012 LCDRD developed in response to current University Detector R&D Program (SiD/Oregon) funding ending at end of 2011. Continuation and extension. Support all Lepton Colliders: ILC, CLIC, MuC Support detector concept development Identify R&D critical for concepts and initiate it Finish up ILC R&D, start CLIC R&D, identify needed MuC R&D Support the lcsim simulation infrastructure for detector studies . SLAC submitted (after internal review) consortium proposal combining 14 individual proposals on March 18, 2011. After DOE establishes funding level for Consortium, Review Board will set funding levels consistent with DOE guidelines Annual reviews and solicitations of new proposals; annual reports to DOE. Need a common simulation framework to support physics and detector studies SLAC & Fermilab will submit a joint proposal to DOE to enhance LCSim physics and detector response capabilities and provide community support Aim to cooperate/collaborate with AIDA and JSPS on common efforts