Language Antonyms Parts of a Sentence Homo- phones Synonyms Categories Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 What is another word for “chair”?
$100 Answer from H1 What is seat?
$200 Question from H1 What is a synonym for “copy”?
$200 Answer from H1 What is duplicate or reproduce?
$300 Question from H1 What is another word for “annoy”?
What is bother or irritate? $300 Answer from H1 What is bother or irritate?
$400 Question from H1 What is a synonym for “person”?
$400 Answer from H1 What is being or individual?
$500 Question from H1 This is the definition for “synonym”?
$500 Answer from H1 What is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language?
$100 Question from H2 What is the opposite of “tight”?
$100 Answer from H2 What is loose?
$200 Question from H2 What is the opposite of “harmless”?
$200 Answer from H2 What is harmful or dangerous?
$300 Question from H2 What is the antonym for “common”?
$300 Answer from H2 What is uncommon or rare?
$400 Question from H2 What is the antonym for “war”?
$400 Answer from H2 What is a peace?
$500 Question from H2 This is the definition of antonym.
$500 Answer from H2 What is a word opposite in meaning to another?
$100 Question from H3 What type of letter is always at the beginning of a sentence?
$100 Answer from H3 What is a capital letter?
$200 Question from H3 What must be at the end of a sentence, before a new sentence begins?
$200 Answer from H3 What is punctuation?
$300 Question from H3 This part of a sentence is usually a noun.
$300 Answer from H3 What is the subject?
$400 Question from H3 This is an incomplete sentence.
$400 Answer from H3 What is a fragment?
$500 Question from H3 What part of the sentence is about the subject?
$500 Answer from H3 What is the predicate?
$100 Question from H4 Doctor, couch, book, computer, teacher, woman are all what kind of words?
$100 Answer from H4 What is nouns?
$200 Question from H4 Jump, skip, hike, swim, write, bounce are all what kind of words?
$200 Answer from H4 What is verbs?
$300 Question from H4 This is a word that describes a noun.
$300 Answer from H4 What is an adjective?
$400 Question from H4 This is a word that describes a verb.
$400 Answer from H4 What is an adverb?
$500 Question from H4 Of, about, on, by, with are all examples of this.
$500 Answer from H4 What is a preposition?
What word sounds the same as “stair,” but has a different meaning? $100 Question from H5 What word sounds the same as “stair,” but has a different meaning?
$100 Answer from H5 What is stare?
$200 Question from H5 What word sounds the same as “break,” but has a different meaning?
$200 Answer from H5 What is brake?
$300 Question from H5 What is a homophone for “maid?”
$300 Answer from H5 What is “made”?
$400 Question from H5 What is a homophone for “pair?”
$400 Answer from H5 What is “pear”?
$500 Question from H5 What is a homophone?
$500 Answer from H5 What is words that sound alike but have different meanings and spelling?
Final Jeopardy A complete sentence must include these 4 things.
Final Jeopardy Answer What is: -a capital letter -punctuation -a subject -a predicate?