Pets Pets are called animals, which people breed for company or for entertainment. PGVM Stara Zagora APE
This determination separates pets from domestic animals, which are a special kind, tamed by men for different farm purposes as the production of meat, milk, eggs, wool, for drawing the wagon (horse, donkey, mule), sports purposes (dogs for hunting, dogs for dogs race, horse for horse race, etc). Pets can also be brought for farm purposes – for breeding, for taking part in the exhibitions or films etc.
Domesticate In our long history humankind achieved success only in domestication of some mammals – mostly dogs and cats.
Domestication in the process of selection and breeding is also achieved with some exotic animals. Most of these kinds of animals, however, can be brought like domestic only in their childhood. During their maturity, there can be some complications, for example:
home space is not enough for the animal to spend its energy and it looks for the way to escape or damages the furniture; Escaped exotic pets can be hardly found and brought back, because they can not orientate in the city area and they leave or become aggressive; an exotic pet hardly bears coexistence with other pets and becomes aggressive; an exotic pet can become dangerously aggressive to its owners.
Advantages and disadvantages of pets
Objective truths Pets get very precious for their owners, who are inclined to share troubles this coexistence requires; Pets have to be bred and healed with the same attention people care about themselves; Pets can bring parasites dangerous for human health; Pets are the source of allergies for some people; Pets, like humans, can become mentally ill and that can be dangerous for their owners; Some people can not bear or they are afraid of dogs and cats that’s why the owner should keep his pet away from them.
Subjective opinion People who do not like or are afraid of dogs and cats create different myths about pets. The most common are: Dogs and cats are not appropriate to be bred in homes (It is partly true when some big dogs live in small flats); Pets are dirty and dangerous for human health (It is partly true but it depends on the owner); Pets bite (It is partly true : pets should be take out with a lead and a muzzle to prevent unpredictable reactions of the animal).
Made by Valentina Antonova, 8a grade