3.3 Whom Should I Obey In Society?
The Fourth Commandment “Honour your father and mother” Respect for family, elders and legitimate authority in society. The family is the “original cell of social life” so what happens in a family shapes society as a whole. Family is the first teacher of virtues of faith, hope and love.
The Common Good
The Common Good The common good is everything that allows individuals and groups to reach their full potential and is built upon respect for individuals and a peaceful social order. The basic rights and needs of every human must be met as well. When rules serve the common good, they also serve God.
1 Corinthians 12:12-26 Compares the body of Christ (the Church) to a human body. All members of society are interconnected. It challenges us to think of society as a whole just as the body has to be thought of a whole (common good).
Authority It is legitimate when it is recognized by the population as a whole and when it serves the common good. It must respect weaker members and promote unity among all members. We do not have to obey rules that are immoral.
All of the policies of those in authority must be judged and praised, or challenged on how well they serve the common good.
We should ask all authorities: Do they respect and strive to protect the basic rights of every individual? Are the basic needs of every individual and family provided for in their policies? Does the governing authority promote the peace and security that are necessary development?
Obedience in the Church The Church has the right to announce moral principles. The magisterium gives a voice to the truths of our faith and names the behaviours needed to preserve, explain and observe faith. It helps us understand natural law and remind us of what we should do before God.
The Greek word for “obey” comes from the word for “listening” and for “answering the door”. Obedience is about listening to those in authority and opening the door of your heart to see the good that may come from doing what you are asked.
The 6 Precepts of the Church Attend mass on Sundays and all holy days of obligation. Confess (Reconciliation) your serious sins at least once a year. Receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season.
6 Precepts cont’d 4) Keep holy the days obligation (Christmas, Dec. 25th and the feast of Mary, the Mother of God, Jan. 1st). 5) Observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence (Ash Wednesday, Lent and Fridays). 6) Provide for the material needs of the Church as you are able (Almsgiving).
The Catechism Of The Catholic Church The official compendium of the Catholic Church’s teachings. It helps to guide the magisterium in their roles as teachers in the Church. It was commissioned under Pope John Paul II and was overseen by Cardinal Ratzinger, who is currently the retired Pope Benedict XXIII – Pope Emeritus.
Canon Law Codified laws of the Church. One of the oldest codified law systems still in used. It lists what is permissible in our faith and what is not. It also states the grounds for excommunication. It helps guide the Bishops as regents in the Holy See.