Child soldiers Child soldiers are being used in Africa to fight for rebels and government’s. There family's are killed in front of them to make them violent to the enemy. They are also given a brown brown which is a drug that makes them want to have more so they have to fight for the government. The country's that use the child soldiers are :Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Russian, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Algeria ,Angola , Burundi, Chad, Republic of Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines ,Solomon Islands ,Sri Lanka ,East Timor ,Tajikistan ,Papua New Guinea ,Uzbekistan.
Land mines Zimbabwe inherited around 1,5 million land-mines, mainly anti-personnel mines laid by security forces during the liberation war. These are in seven minefields, covering 766 km along the Zambian and Mozambican borders.
land mines in Africa This a map of Africa it sows the country's that have a a mine band treaty and which have and which have not or not yet signed the treaty.
More about Landmines The border of Zimbabwe is surrounded with landmines or fences. Landmines are a danger to people's lives if they make one false move and BOOM, there life is over. Mines also destroy the environment making that area impossible to live in.