Using Le with the days of the week, in French. Les jours de la semaine Using Le with the days of the week, in French.
Les jours de la semaine… First, you have to know the days of the week: lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche
To say that you’re doing something on a specific day… Just say the day of the week. Example J’ai des devoirs mardi. I have some homework on Tuesday.
To say you do something regularly on a certain day of the week… Put “le” before the day of the week. Example J’ai des devoirs le mardi. I have some homework on Tuesdays.
Notice: In English, we add the word “on” before the day of the week. In French, we don’t use the word “on” when we talk about days of the week.
More examples… J’aime aller au cinéma le samedi. I like going to the movies on Saturdays. Je voudrais aller au cinéma samedi. I would like to go to the movies on Saturday.