@ScotCoPro #CoproWeekScot www.coproductionscotland.org.uk
Programme 10.00am Welcome, Purpose of the event, warm-up/networking exercise 10.15am Co-production and Community Planning – key principles and the current context (David Allan – SCDC) 10.30am Co-pro and community planning - the Aberdeen picture (Chris Littlejohn – NHS Grampian/Community Planning Aberdeen) 11.00am Break 11.15am Co-pro and community planning – a 3rd sector perspective (Fabio Villani – TSI Moray) 11.40am Group discussion – what opportunities exist to co-produce in community planning (and what gets in the way). Feedback/reflection. 12.25pm Key upcoming co-pro highlights (Olivia Hanley – SCDC) 12.30pm Finish and networking lunch
Outcomes for the Event Participants will: Have an improved understanding of co-production principles and approaches Have had an opportunity to explore how these principles and approaches relate to and inform community planning processes Have had an opportunity to share experiences and learn from one another
Co-production ‘Co-production is about combining our mutual strengths and capacities so that we can work with one another on an equal basis to achieve positive change’ Catalysts Shared roles Networks Mutuality Capacity Assets
Co-production and community planning Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act – Part 2, key principles Community participation and co-production Tackling inequalities Shared leadership Governance and accountability Understanding of local communities’ needs, circumstances and opportunities Focus on key priorities Focus on prevention Resourcing improvement Effective performance management
Community involvement in Community Planning Key Principle: Community Participation and Co-production CPP (and CP partners) work with community bodies to ensure that everyone who can contribute are able to do so (and to the extent that they wish to do so) CPP (and CP partners) have a clear understanding of needs as a result of effective participation with communities Effective participation informs decisions about CP priorities, shaping of services, and deployment of resources Effective participation informs how the CPP manages and scrutinises performance and progress The CPP embraces the principles of effective co-production which is aimed at combining the mutual strengths and capacities of all partners (including community bodies) to achieve positive change
What are the drivers and opportunities that exist to apply the principles of co-production in community planning? What gets in the way of this, and what can we do to overcome any barriers?
…Our vision for co-production in Scotland is that all people are valued and supported to meaningfully participate in shaping services, building their communities and creating change.
www.coproductionscotland.org.uk @ScotCoPro #CoProWeekScot #100storiescopro