2.1 | Establishing our Identity
STEP 1 - LEARN View this presentation to learn about how corporations establish their identity through marketing. The wonderful and amazing thing about being on yearbook staff is that everything the staff does has a real-world tie-in. Marketing is one of those activities that has an obvious tie to the real world. Today we are going to be looking at marketing campaigns from Apple, Nike and Athleta so we can see how they communicate an image to their consumers. As we do so, notice that they are communicating their message through a set of coordinating fonts, colors and images. In the yearbook world we call this a theme and it is something we will be discussing in depth next week.
LEARN FROM THE EXPERTS TARGETING POTENTIAL BUYERS Every sales campaign should target the many different people who are potential buyers. Each sales campaign should maintain a consistent look and feel. Each marketing piece should reflect the desires of its target audience. Each marketing piece should reveal a perk of buying the product.
For the person on a beach getaway, the iPod shuffle will surround you with music – waves of music designed with the trademark white Apple earphone cord. You can even be on a busy beach and be alone and relaxed. The iRelax plays with the “I” pronoun and the verb “Relax” conveys what happens with the Shuffle. For the person on a beach getaway, the iPod shuffle will surround you in music – waves of music designed with the trademark white Apple earphone cord. You can even be on a busy beach and be alone and relaxed. The “iRelax” plays with the “I” pronoun and the verb “Relax” conveys what happens with the Shuffle. Who is the audience of this ad? What does the ad suggest about the product and the consumer? Apple, Inc.
Similar to the previous ad, the trademark white cord maps out the commuter’s train line and surrounds commuters with music. This appeals to the city dweller. Similar to the previous ad, the trademark white cord maps out the commuter’s train line and surrounds commuters with music. This appeals to the city dweller. Who is the audience of this ad? What does the ad suggest about the product and the consumer? Apple, Inc.
Similar to the previous ads, the white cord maps out the runner’s route that surrounds runners with music. This appeals to people who already exercise but also those who don’t but would like to – the shuffle might be just what they need to go for a long run. Similar to the previous ad, the trademark white cord maps out the runner’s route and surrounds runners with music. This appeals to people who already exercise but also those who don’t but would like to – the shuffle might be just what they need to go for a long run. Who is the audience of this ad? What does the ad suggest about the product and the consumer? Apple, Inc.
Visual similarities: trademark white cord winding around a location. The way the cord wraps around a locations suggests a use for the iPod. Bird’s-eye-view of location. Bold iWord, icon, unbold product name is on one line of text. White text is in iconic san-serif Apple font. Verbal similarities: phrasing reiterates the use – iCommute, iRun, iRelax. Name of product is always given after use for product. Think about theme. What is visually similar between these three ads? What are verbal similarities? Apple, Inc.
WATER On the next slides, compare the identity Dasani is portraying to the identity of Vitaminwater. After looking at the images, discuss the identities as a class.
Image: Clean, Pure, Healthy What identity is Dasani portraying? Judging by the images, what type of person are they targeting? How can you tell? What about Vitaminwater? Judging by the images, what type of person are they targeting? How can you tell? Dasani: Target Market: 25-40 year-old, health and environment-conscious people. Image: Clean, pure, healthy How can you tell?: Dominant colors are white and blue with a little green, which matches their label but also are the dominant colors in nature. Recycling is emphasized. Nature and natural images are included in marketing pieces. Vitaminwater: Target Market: teenagers, young adults Image: fun, quirky, energetic How can you tell?: the playful ads include twitter and hashtags, smart phone recharging stations, dancing, and the tagline “make boring brilliant.” Bright, youthful colors are used in ads. Target Market: 25-40 year-old, health and environment-conscious people. Image: Clean, Pure, Healthy You can tell each of these things by the dominant white, blue and green colors which match their label but are also the dominant colors in nature. Recycling is emphasized and nature and natural images are included.
ATHLETIC APPAREL On the next slides, compare the identity Nike is portraying to the identity of Athleta.
Nike Pitch: athleticism, dedication, hard work Nike. The pitch: athleticism, dedication, hard work Athleta. The pitch: modern, bohemian, girl-power, yoga Notice that both companies are selling similar products but have tapped into their target market from different angles. First we will look more closely at Athleta. Nike Pitch: athleticism, dedication, hard work Athleta Pitch: modern, bohemian, girl-power, yoga Comparison: Nike vs. Athleta How do they market their identity differently? Nike and Athleta
How does Athleta emphasize modern, bohemian, girl-power in its ads? Natural looking models that aren’t overly made-up; the phrase ‘power to the she’; images that include nature; more delicate fonts than Nike’s bold heavy font; ads depicting people doing sports that aren’t mainstream like yoga or jogging on the beach – activities that imply a healthy, zen, lifestyle rather than a hard=core athleticism Images that include nature The phrase “Power to the She” “natural” looking models that aren’t overly made up More delicate fonts than Nike’s bold heavy font. Ads depict people doing sports that aren’t mainstream like yoga or jogging on the beach – activities that imply a healthy, zen lifestyle rather than a hard-core athleticism. How does Athleta emphasize modern, bohemian, girl-power in its ads? Athleta
Once again, notice nature and yoga; words that Nike might use, like ‘explosive’ ‘will to win’ or ‘winning takes care of everything’ wouldn’t fit with their image but are used effectively in Nike ads. Once again, notice nature and yoga. Words that Nike might use, like “explosive” “will to win” or “winning takes care of everything” wouldn’t fit with their image but are used effectively in Nike ads. Athleta
This ad portrays nature, freedom and simplicity in its imagery This ad portrays nature, freedom and simplicity in its imagery. It also provides and anthem on the left side to emphasize the ideas. This ad portrays nature, freedom and simplicity in its imagery. It also provides an anthem on the left side to emphasize the ideas. Athleta
Bold, heavy, simple san-serif font. Strong black and white contrast with bold images on simple backgrounds. Just Do It or another simple catch phrase reflects the same idea. Bold, heavy, simple san-serif font. Strong black and white contrast, with bold images on simple backgrounds. Just Do It or another simple catch phrase that reflects the same idea. How does Nike emphasize athleticism, dedication and hard work in its ads? Nike
This is a simple ad with emphasis on qualities a basketball player would want in both personal performance and a shoe. Nike
Notice the phrases they use in their advertising, which emphasize the idea of “just do it.” Nike
Think about theme by looking at this ad campaign. Visual similarities: All caps, san serif font: “I’m making myself” Fill-in-the-blank that changes with each ad. Fill-in-the-blank words are in an organic handwriting font. Photo of one person in each. Pink, all-caps “ABOUT ME.” Organic color scheme, except for the pop of hot pink. “stack” of smaller photos inset on top of larger photo. Verbal similarities: Phrase “I’m making myself” “About me” followed by bio of person. Fill-in-the-blank describes each person. Think about theme by looking at this ad campaign. What is visually similar between these three ads? What are verbal similarities? Nike
CLASS DISCUSSION Every business needs to evaluate the identity they want to convey to their audience. How do we want our purchasers (parents) and consumers (students) to perceive us? What feelings (good, bad or neutral) do people have about our yearbook? What has been our identity in the past? Do we want to emphasize our past identity or do we need to create a new one?
STEP 2 – PRACTICE & USE Look at Handout 2.1 – Yearbook Reader Survey think about the questions to ask their readers to understand the audience. Brainstorm other questions that will help to understand what students want in their yearbook. Edit and distribute the survey to as many people as possible for use on Day 5 of this unit. The wonderful and amazing thing about being on yearbook staff is that everything the staff does has a real-world tie-in. Marketing is one of those activities that has an obvious tie to the real world. Today we are going to be looking at marketing campaigns from Apple, Nike and Athleta so we can see how they communicate an image to their consumers. As we do so, notice that they are communicating their message through a set of coordinating fonts, colors and images. In the yearbook world we call this a theme and it is something we will be discussing in depth next week.