Redeeming Love Hosea 3
Redeeming Love God’s command to Hosea. Go again. Love the one who betrayed you. Because God loves unfaithful Israel.
Redeeming Love Hosea’s action response. Hosea found Gomer. Hosea humbled himself. Hosea redeemed her. Hosea valued her.
Redeeming Love A picture of God’s love. God requires faithfulness. There are consequences for unfaithfulness. God is faithful even when His people fail.
What does that mean to me? God commands us to love the unlovable. The outcasts and undesirable. Our families. Those who betray us. Because God loves us!
What does that mean to me? We must respond to God’s command. We must seek out reconciliation. We must humble ourselves. We need to use our resources “wisely.” We must value people.
What does that mean to me? God loves you! We are in dire circumstances. God bought us back for salvation! We are now able to be faithful.