3 Christ Centered Relationships that will define our ministries. “Reaching the Lost and Growing the Saved through Christ centered relationships.”
“Christ centered relationships” Falling in love with Jesus’ Bride! Falling in Love with Jesus’ mission. Falling in love with Jesus ! 3 Christ Centered relationships that we desire for everyone.
Stage #2 Falling in Love with Jesus’ Bride! Sermon #1 We are Commanded to Love one another. John 13:34-35, 15:12-17 Sermon #2 We are Commanded to Serve one another. John 13:1- 17 Sermon #3 We are Called to Unity. John 17
Jesus’ High priestly prayer Vr. 1-5 Jesus’ prayer was all about God’s glory and Our Salvation. Vr. 6-12 Jesus’ prayer identified His followers, His disciples. Vr. 13-19 Jesus’ prayer is for His disciple to be FILLED WITH HIS JOY! Vr. 20-21 Jesus’ Prayer was for ALL who would believe in HIM, through their testimony.
Jesus’ High priestly prayer Vr. 22-24 Jesus’ prayer is a Called to Unity. His glory in us should build unity. ( vr. 22) Abiding in Him perfects our unity. (vr. 23) The purpose for unity is for the world to know the Love of God. Vr. 25-26 Jesus’ prayer is really the Gospel message.
Some surefire ways Satan disrupts the unity in the Bride of Christ. Satan’s desire for God’s people…. #1 Encourage a spirit of Gossip. #2 Exalt Man’s will over God’s will. #3 Convince the people that they are the owners of the church, not the Lord. #4 Keep them so rooted in the past that they fail to be His witness in the present. #5 Replace their Christ centered love with a self serving agenda . #6 Replace their humble, forgiving hearts with resentment and prejudice attitudes for others. #7 I would convince God’s people that their sin has no impact on the body.