Forestry and Wildlife Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Conservation and development of wild animal and plant life MISSION: Conservation and development of wild animal and plant life GOALS: Preservation of forest resources; Preservation of wildlife resources; Artificial forest reproduction and afforestation; 4. Reproduction of wildlife resources. Slide 2
Legal framework (amendments to the legislation introduced as per the Law of the RK of January 25, 2012) The Forest Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003); The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Animal Wildlife Protection, Reproduction and Use» (2004); The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Special Protected Natural Territories” (2006); The 2020 Forest Economic Sector Development Program of Kazakhstan (draft). Slide 3
THE STRUCTURE OF THE FOREST FUND OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Ministry of Agriculture of the RK FOREST FUND OF THE RK The Office of Presidential Affairs of the President of the RK Private forest fund Forestry and Hunting Committee of the MNP of the RK Regional akimats Ministry of Transportation and Communications of the RK Special protected natural territories; National-status organizations. The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Kazakhstan Railway Easement areas along railway tracks Auto Highway Committee State forestry establishments Easement areas along auto highways Slide 5
LAND AREA DISTRIBUTION OF THE FOREST FUND OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN BY CATEGORY Total area – 28788.1 thous. ha (100%), Including: Glaciers Sands Other acreage Total forest acreage, including: 18991.0 thous. ha (65.97%) Swamps Forest-covered 12548.6 thous. ha (43.59%) including forest crops 923.1 thous. ha (3.17%) Waters Plantations 3.0 thous. ha (0.01%) Farmsteads Open forest crops 186.6 thous. ha (0.65%) Forest nurseries 4.4 thous. ha (0.02%) Roads, forest corridors, fire lines Acreage not covered with forests, including: 6248.4 thous. ha (21.70%) Logging areas 158.3 thous. ha (0.55%) Burned areas and failed plantations 445.2 thous. ha (1.54%) Pastures Forest acreage covered with forests, including forest crops 3.17% Glades 2057.7 thous. ha (7.1%) thous. ha Thin forest 3587.2 thous. ha (12.46%) Non-forest acreage, including: 9797.1 thous. ha (34.03%) Cropland, lealand 119.5 thous. ha (0.42%) Hayfields Hayfields 344.5 thous. ha (1.20%) Cropland, lealand Pastures 5821.2 thous. ha (20.22%) Glades Forest nurseries Roads, forest corridors, fire lines 86.5 thous. ha (0.30%) Open forest crops Farmsteads 21.5 thous. ha (0.07%) Logging areas Waters 312.2 thous. ha (1.08%) Plantations Thin forest Swamps 220.8 thous. ha (0.77%) Burned areas and failed plantations Sands 375.9 thous. ha (1.31%) Glaciers 30.3 thous. ha (0.10%) Other acreage 2464.3 thous. ha (8.56%)
Current condition of the forestry science . More than 3600 scientific articles published More than 250 production recommendations and other legal and procedural documents drafted 92 protection documents, including 7 patents for common pine species and 2 innovation patents, received
THE LIST OF COMPLETED PROGRAMS ON FORESTRY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT 1. 2004-2006 Forests of Kazakhstan Sectoral Program; 2. 2005-2007 Zhasyl Yel Sectoral Program; 3. 2008-2010 Zhasyl Yel Sectoral Program; 4. 2010-2014 Zhasyl Damu Sectoral Program. Slide 8
Major forestry sector indicators based on outcomes of previous programs Динамика лесных пожаров на территории гослесфонда Forest reproduction and afforestation efforts dynamics Forest fires on the territory of the national forest fund Afforestation, planting, thous. ha Q-ty of cases Forest area, ha Including forest-covered, ha Illegal logging dynamics on the territory of the national forest fund Динамика незаконных рубок в гослесфонде Saiga population dynamics, thous. heads Динамика численности сайгаков, тыс. особей Q-ty of illegal logging cases Volume of illegally cut forest, m3 Slide 9
Major challenges within the forest sector 1. Low financial and technical capacity and poorly developed infrastructure of forestry organizations; 2. Absence of sectoral forest pathology service and sector-specific air vehicle fire-fighting fleet, which prevents timely detection, localization and elimination of hazardous loci of pests, wood diseases and forest fires; 3. Unsatisfactory quality of forest crops, insufficient volume of sanitation felling aimed at taking of care of the young forest; 4. Insufficient scientific support and absence of innovative technologies, including for processing low-grade deciduous timber and timber waste; Slide 10
Major challenges within the forest sector 5. Insufficient legal and social protection of the forestry sector employees whose work is associated with life and health hazards, extremely low remuneration of specialists’ work; 6. Absence of economic incentives for private afforestation and low availability of financial resources; 7. Low qualifications of the forestry sector employees; 8. Absence of fully-fledged specialized forestry regulating bodies on the level of regional akimats as well as local coordinated personnel policies. Slide 11
Prerequisites for an integrated resolution of issues within the forest economic sector of the Rk 1. Preservation, development and increasing productivity of national forests; 2. Decreasing import dependency and increasing investment attractiveness of logging and timber processing industry; 3. Expanding cooperation within the CIS, Customs Union and EAEU. Slide 12
Objectives of the 2020 Forest Economic Sector Development Program of Kazakhstan 1. Decreasing losses and expanding national forest acreage: 1) Increasing the efficiency of forest security and protection measures as well as forest reproduction efforts, increasing their productivity and expanding afforestation; 2) Developing the wood material base by strengthening state support of private afforestation and expansion of the private forest fund. Slide 13
Objectives of the 2020 Forest Economic Sector Development Program of Kazakhstan 2. Creating suitable conditions for increased competitiveness of the national logging and timber processing industry. Slide 14
State support of private afforestation 1. State support of private afforestation is done in the following way: 1) compensation (up to fifty percent) of costs associated with the establishment and cultivation of plantations of fast-growing tree and shrub species for industrial and energy purposes; 2) compensation (up to fifty percent) of costs associated with the establishment and development of private forest nurseries. Slide 15
EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE FOREST ECONOMIC SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1. Increased yearly volumes of forest reproduction and afforestation; 2. Established green zones around cities and urban greening; 3. Improved protection of forests against forest fires, pests and wood diseases; 4. Developed plantation cultivation and private afforestation with further deep processing of produced timber; 5. Developed hunting farms, an established game breeding center; 6. Expanded network of special protected natural territories to ensure preservation of the country’s biodiversity. Slide 16