Healthcare Management in the workplace Corporate training initiatives 2017/18
Background About us The Lisa Lowe Centre has been providing positive mental health support on the Isle of Man for the past 35 years. Our psychological therapists are fully accredited, qualified and led by Robin Davidson a Professor of Clinical Psychology. Our clinical lead Professor Robin Davidson, is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and has published widely in Addictions and Health Psychology and Psycho- oncology. Robin has spearheaded our charity for the past 10 years and has developed a close bond with the Isle of Man. The Workshops Our workshops are specially designed to adapt to a busy schedule. Based at the Education Centre Keyll Darree we can accommodate 20 people for a morning session 9.30-12 noon. We aim to maximise education with the minimum impact on your works time.
Managing depression, anxiety and stress in the workplace Workshop 1 Managing depression, anxiety and stress in the workplace Overview A two hour workshop targeting; Identification, intervention and strategy management Workshop content Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a valuable approach to stress management. This course will help you identify early signs of stress, perform risk assessments, introduce coping strategies and signpost to available specialist services. Who will find this workshop useful? This is designed for all management levels, team leaders and employees Workshop duration 2.5 hours How much will it cost? £60 per person + VAT
Impact of traumatic events in the workplace Workshop 2 Impact of traumatic events in the workplace Overview A two hour workshop targeting; coping strategies and psychological support Workshop content Management play an important role in providing support to employees following a traumatic event or critical incident. During this time, staff may experience a variety of changes in productivity and conduct. Employees will need emotional support and understanding while you focus on maintaining a stable work environment. How you respond to these demands is vital. Your company can help you and your employees work toward returning to the pre-trauma level of functioning. Who will find this workshop useful? This is designed for all management levels, team leaders and employees Workshop duration 2.5 hours How much will it cost? £60 per person + VAT
Harmful addictive behaviour and the workplace Workshop 3 Harmful addictive behaviour and the workplace Overview A two hour workshop targeting; Identification, intervention and strategy management Workshop content Drug, alcohol and other addictions; awareness training aims to provide managers with an understanding of dependency and the psychological affect it has on individuals. The course will help spot the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse, explain the impact of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace and provide signposting. Who will find this workshop useful? This is designed for all management levels, team leaders and employees Workshop duration 2.5 hours How much will it cost? £60 per person + VAT
Which workshop suits my business? All businesses are responsible for their employees healthcare, this includes mental health. Managing stress and anxiety in the workplace will give you an understanding of detection and early intervention. Early Intervention will reduce the amount of time taken off as a direct cause of mental pressure and reduce the resulting added stress on the rest of the team. Workshop 2 Traumatic events arise in many different forms, death of a loved one, life changing illness and serious accidents are some of the subjects that will be covered. What do you do when a staff member is faced with a traumatic event? Risk assessments and signposting can be vital at an early stage but so often there is no plan in place to deal with this. Workshop 3 It can be difficult for an employee to reach out and ask for help, especially at work. Sometimes, this difficulty is a result of a perceived lack of support from employers or a sense of shame the employee might feel about the addiction. Nonetheless, it is important for employers to understand that assisting employees with addiction problems to reach out for help not only benefits the employee in terms of their physical, emotional, and mental health, it also benefits the organisation.
The Manx Cancer Help history Helping people Manx Cancer Help’s Psycho-oncology Service was established in 2008 to provide a confidential counselling and psychotherapy service for people affected by cancer. The face to face specialist support sessions we provide, are free. Where needed we have also offered appointments at home or in hospital. The Service employs a visiting Consultant Clinical Psychologist and a Psychotherapist. Other trainees and professionally qualified staff work on a sessional basis. All staff employed by the Service are professionally qualified and registered with the appropriate professional body. The Service offers specialist psychotherapeutic interventions including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help deal with the emotional difficulties relating to cancer or even earlier stresses and trauma resurrected as a result of cancer. Individuals are usually offered a series of one-to-one appointments, which are entirely confidential. The Service follows NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health Care Excellence). Manx Cancer Help will provide specialist support to over 150 people on the Isle of Man each year.
The Present A time to adapt We are delighted that mental health is becoming less of a stigma and that it is readily being accepted that it is as important as looking after your physical health. The challenge to help as many people on the Island, that can benefit from our service, alongside the current cancer support we give, is one we take on with enthusiasm and passion. The charity has identified the need to be constantly adaptable and we are currently recruiting for additional therapists. Once a client has identified that they require support, we try to provide this as soon as possible. We currently do not run a waiting list and each new referral is seen within 10 working days. When promoting the charity we visit many corporate companies and the feedback we have is that although mental health is being addressed more frequently, when needed, there is increasingly limited support available. Government services have been stripped and waiting lists can be in excess of over 2 years. As a charity we feel that this is unacceptable and we are adapting the service to address positive mental health in the workplace, alongside the clients we are currently seeing that are affected by cancer.
The future Addressing the issues Under the guise “The Lisa Lowe Centre” our plan is to address the lack of options that are available on Island when affected with stress and anxiety in the workplace. A drop in support group is our first priority to help those who need support, with signposting for 1to1 sessions when the need is identified. We are registered with Bupa and AXA PPP Healthcare and can provide private therapy when required. The Lisa Lowe Centre is eager to build relationships with the corporate sector, bespoke courses are available for large numbers on request. By providing education and support, your company can help reduce the amount of time staff take off from work, as well as reduce the strain on GP’s and the hospital and improve productivity at work and help towards a happy home life. Contact 679544 The Lisa Lowe Centre, the Old Schoolhouse, Cronkbourne, Braddan IM4 4QH