The weapons of the Believer in his Battle against the Jinn - Finale


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Welcome to ALI 136 : Wives of the Holy Prophet (s) Session Two
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Presentation transcript:

The weapons of the Believer in his Battle against the Jinn - Finale The World of the Jinn The weapons of the Believer in his Battle against the Jinn - Finale

A great weapon to use in the battle against shaitan is to live amongst righteous other Muslims. Reasons why include: They will keep him from evil deeds and will remind him of good deeds. Unity and togetherness adds strength. The Prophet said, "Certainly, Satan is with the one and is farther away from the two. Whoever of you desires the felicity of paradise, should stick to the community." And "community" means the community of the Muslims with their imam. And there is no value in a community in Islam except for those communities that stick to the Book of Allah and the sunnah of the Prophet.

Also the Prophet (sa) said: "There are not three persons in a city or desert except that they must establish the prayer, otherwise they are overcome by Satan. Stick to the community for the wolf eats the sheep that is remote from the pack." Abu Dawud also recorded from Muaawiya ibn Abu that the Prophet said, "Verily the people before you of the Book split up into seventy-two groups. This nation will split up into seventy-three groups. Seventy-two of them will be in the fire. One of them will be in paradise: the one of the community."

So thus: Being around strong pious Muslims serves as a great weapon against the Shaytaan

Another weapon – learn the antics of Shaytaan and his allies and then expose them The Quran does this, as did the Prophet and they did so in the best manner possible. The Quran showed us the way in which Satan deceived Adam The Prophet informed his companions about how the devils listened to the news of the skies and passed that on to the diviners and soothsayers along with a hundred lies to go with it. He clarified that for them in order for them not to be deceived by something similar to it. He also explained to them how Satan whispers to them in order to ruin their prayers and worship.

The Prophet (sa) also exposed: How Satan makes one think that his ablutions have become invalid when that is not really the case. He also described how the devils separate a man from his wife. H He also told how Satan makes one think about who created this and that until he thinks about who created Allah.

So thus: Through education of Shaytan and his antics, one finds a great weapon because he is never caught off guard

Another weapon against the Shaytaan is to differ with him: Satan appears in the form of a sincere advisor and claims that he is giving sincere advice to humans. It is incumbent upon the person to do the opposite of what he orders and to say to him, "If you were to advise anyone, you should advise yourself. You have put yourself in the Hell- fire. And you have earned the wrath of Allah. How can anyone advise another when he does not advise himself?"

A great example of this is suggested by Al-Haarith ibn Qais who said, "If Satan comes to you while you are praying, and says, "You are showing off," then rebuke him and make it even longer!..” If we are aware that there is some act that is pleasing to Satan or is one of his characteristics, then we must act in a contrary manner. For example, if Satan eats with his left hand, then we must eat with our right hand. The Prophet said, "Each of you should eat his drink with his right, take with his right and give with his right for Satan eats with his left, drinks with his left, gives with his left and takes with his..”

So thus if something bothers shaytan rebuke him with what bothers him Another example: the Prophet told us that we should take a short nap at midday because Satan does not do so. He said, "Take a short nap because Satan does not take a short nap...” The Quran has warned us about extravagant spending. It has counted the one who spends extravagantly as a brother of Satan. This is true because Satan loves the wasting of wealth and its spending where it is not needed. And under the heading of extravagance comes the owning of more furniture and bedrooms than one needs. The Prophet said, "Bedding for the man, bedding for his wife, bedding for a guest, and the fourth bedding is for Satan."

Another weapon – avoid haste This is a characteristic loved by Satan because it leads humans make mistakes. The Prophet said, "Deliberateness (patience) is from the Merciful and haste is from Satan..” It is obligatory upon us to differ from Satan in this characteristic and to act in a manner that is pleasing to Allah. The Messenger of Allah also said to one of his companions, "You have two characteristics that Allah and His Messenger love: clemency (Mercy) and delierateness (Patience)..”

Also we should avoid Yawning From among the actions loved by Satan is yawning. It is for this reason that the Prophet ordered us to restrain yawns as much as possible. He said, "Yauning is from Satan. If one of you yawns, restrain it as much can. If one of you says, Ahhh while yawning, Satan laughs at him..” (This hadith was recorded by al- Bukhari and Muslim.) This is because yawning is a sign of laziness. Satan is pleased and rejoices when the becomes lazy.

Another weapon that defeats shaytaan is to simply repent from your sins Quick repentance and returning to Allah whenever one is seduced by Satan aids the servant against the plans of Satan. This is acharacteristic of the pious servants of Allah. Allah says, “those those who ward off evil, when a glamour from the devil troubles them, they do but remember (Allah) and behold they then see [what is right].” (al-Araaf 201).

The Prophet (sa) said: "Verily, Satan said, "By your honor, Oh Lord, your servants will never be free from my seductions as long as their souls are in their bodies.. And the Lord said, .By My Honor and Grandeur, I will not stop to forgive those who ask for my forgiveness...” That is the case for those servants who return to Allah soon after their deed and repent

Another weapon – Put an end to Doubt and Suspicion of the deen YOU should never allow yourself to be in a doubtful o r questionable situation. When that is the case, you should tell others about what is happening, to make the matter clear to them. And you should not to allow Satan to whisper into the souls of the Muslims.

If you are doubting a religious issue it is best to leave it be! The prophet said when faced with a matter that is not clearly defined, its best to just avoid it completely and this way you protect your honor and your religion

In conclusion: Shaytaan and his army are only as strong as we make them. The Jinn are not our friend. They are our enemies and the way to best deal with them is thru seeking knowledge of just how dangerous they are, and educate yourself to the techniques they use against man, Then protect yourself by seeking refuge in Allah against them and fear them not. They can only prey upon those weak in faith and ignorant in their knowledge and understanding of islam