Mi’kmaq Culture
What is Culture? Culture is a people’s shared way of thinking and acting It may also be defined as “a way of life” A people’s culture includes their languages, knowledge and beliefs, laws and moral values, customs and traditions, art and music – and all other aspects that have been developed socially
What is Culture? People take their own culture for granted and may not realize how it affects their thinking and behaviour
What is language? It is a systematic way of relating meanings with the sounds made by the human voice People can use language to talk about anything they imagine, including things that are impossible and events that have not yet taken place
What is language? People can use language freely to think of new ideas and to express them in new ways, including making up new words People can use language appropriately in situations they have not encountered before.
Assignment Copy the following chart on a sheet of loose-leaf: (next slide) and fill it in with the information from the next slide
Languages included in Family Assignment Languages Regional Base Languages included in Family Eskimo- Aleut Athabaskan Siouan Iroquoian Algonquian
Languages included in Family Eskimo - Aleut (Eskaleut) Languages Chart Languages Regional Base Languages included in Family Eskimo - Aleut (Eskaleut) Across arctic – Aleutian Islands of Alaska – Labrador and Greenland Inuktitut Athabaskan North West Territories and Northern part of the Prairies South-western US Beaver and Chipewyan Navaho and Apache Siouan Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba Dakota Iroquoian Southern Ontario, and Quebec and New York Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, Huron, Tuscarora Algonquian Atlantic Coast from Labrador to the Carolinas across Quebec Ontario and the Prairie Provinces Beothuk, Cree, Objibwa, Potawatomi, Blackfoot, and Montagnais. Micmac and Maliseet
Map Instructions You are to shade in these 5 regions in different colours The Provinces must be labelled along with the capital cities This map is to be clearly labelled with the languages these groups spoke as well Don’t forget to provide a legend.
Map Instructions You have this period to work on it and it will be due next class One point will be deducted for everyday that it is late Both the map and chart will be handed in for a total value of 20 points 15 pts for the map – must be neat with a corresponding legend. Must be labelled with languages as well 5 points for the chart