Renewal Animal Training UConn Health 2018
Renewal Animal Training This annual renewal training is being implemented To remind you of important considerations when working with animals and in any UCH animal facility or laboratory To keep you up-to-date with various federal and local laws, regulations, and policies To document your adherence to the IACUC protocol and federal and local laws, regulations, and policies
What’s new? 2018 will see a new PHS Assurance. Once it is approved, you can read it on the web at If you need technical help with Topaz Elements, you must call the OVPR IT help desk at 860-486-7944 or Please DO NOT call the IACUC office for technical help.
Topaz Elements - Reminders EVERY animal user must have a UCH network account to access Topaz. The IACUC office will grant access to Topaz when individuals sign up for animal user training. PIs will get PI-level permission; everyone else will get basic read-only permission. If you are not a PI, but need to write protocols, your PI will have to contact the IACUC office (email to and request this level of access.
Best Practices for Using Topaz Elements If you can, use a PC. The program is harder to manipulate on a Mac. If you are on a Mac, try Safari first as your web browser. SLOW DOWN and take your time; it takes some time for the program to process your inputs. Read instructions for each question. Many of the causes of returning protocols is because researchers are not giving the information requested. Use the help button (question mark)– there is a lot of information there. When doing modifications, in general, don’t delete what you have written in the protocol! If you do, and save, you cannot get it back and will have to start over.
IACUC/CCM Initial Animal User Training All new animal users must take the initial animal user training. It is offered once a month (tends to be more during the summer); details are on the IACUC website. Everyone who wishes to take initial animal user training must have a UCH network account These accounts are set by HR for regular employees These accounts are set by department administrators for other individuals
Protocol Compliance The following slides are going to explain the most common reasons that UCH had to report violations of Public Health Service (PHS) Policy to the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), NIH for the past year Please think of these slides as “What Not To Do” If you have any questions, please contact the IACUC office at
Reports to OLAW In 2016, we had 4 mandatory reports to OLAW Biggest non-compliant items: Animals housed in PI laboratory without IACUC approval Analgesics not given as described in the approved protocol Use of drugs not described in the approved protocol Procedures being performed on animals that are not described in the protocol Use of expired drugs/materials in animals
Reports to OLAW Protocol suspensions. Any protocol or animal activity suspension is an automatic report to OLAW and USDA (if the species used is a USDA regulated species). Though we had no suspensions of protocols for the 2017 year, the IACUC did have to suspend animal use. Typically causes of suspensions include: OHS re-enrollment not completed by deadline; Renewal training not completed by deadline; Annual reviews not completed by deadline; or Significant animal-related concerns Most cases of previous years’ suspensions were caused by failure of people to fill out a form!
Reports to OLAW Summary Many times, the non-compliance which resulted in a report to OLAW can be traced back to an individual not reading the protocol. If you are ever in doubt as to whether or not you can (or cannot) do an activity in a laboratory animal, contact the IACUC office. Most past suspensions occurred because people failed to complete annual OHS enrollment or training requirements.
Important Reminders The next few slides are going to inform you of important items of which you need to be aware when you are using laboratory animals at UCH.
Transgenic/Gene Targeted Animals It is a requirement at UCH to have Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) numbers for all transgenic / gene targeted animals regardless of their source of origin. These numbers are generated to ensure compliance with both animal welfare regulations and recombinant DNA regulations. These numbers can only be generated by the IBC coordinator and the IACUC coordinator. Do not make up your own GMO numbers. The full name of the transgenic animal, a nickname identified in the protocol, or the GMO number must be on all cages that contain genetically modified animals.
Protocol Research Staff Everyone who uses animals must be listed on the approved protocol When people leave your laboratory and/or are no longer working on your protocol, you need to inform the IACUC office ( In order to use animals, everyone must Have completed initial or renewal training Be current in OHS enrollment Be listed on an approved protocol Have clearance from Employee Health Service (x2893)
Procedure Training Everyone that works on an animal protocol must document all animal procedural training received It is the PI’s responsibility to ensure procedure training; it is the staff member’s responsibility to document this training. The training document is on the IACUC website at These documents will be copied during semi-annual lab inspections, asked for during an annual review, or some other time that is available to IACUC staff.
USDA Regulated Species Special care is required when using USDA-regulated species. Individuals using USDA-regulated species must contact Veterinary Services ( for regulated species training. Remember- USDA-regulated species are warm blooded vertebrate animals with the exception of mice (genus Mus) and rats (genus Rattus) bred for research purposes
IACUC Policies Please review the IACUC policies. They can be found on the IACUC website at It is expected that ALL animal users will be compliant with all IACUC policies Failure to comply with IACUC policies can result in sanctions from the IACUC up to, and including, protocol suspension or suspension to use animals.
Training Documentation I agree to the following: I will perform my duties in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act, USDA Regulations (9 CFR), PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, current AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia Animals, and current Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals I have reviewed the protocol(s) under which I will be performing work and will be responsible for conducting this work as it is stated in the approved IACUC protocol(s) I will ensure that IACUC approval has been received before conducting any procedures not listed on the original protocol(s) I will immediately notify the attending veterinarian, the PI, and the IACUC office when any unanticipated pain/distress or unexpected morbidity/mortality occurs within any of my studies. Submission of this will complete your annual renewal training requirements for the IACUC at the University of Connecticut Health Center Go to the next page for submission of training completion
Training Documentation Click HERE to send an email that completes the documentation of this training. If the link above does not work, please send an email to with the following subject line: 2017 Animal User Renewal Training Completed