Who? What? Where? Why? When?
Where are the Maldives? AF3 – describe the location of the Maldives and its human and physical attractions.
Where are the Maldives? The Maldives are located… Describe the location of the Maldives The Maldives are located… SUCCESS CRITERIA D/E – Described the continent and country, may be a surrounding country C – Described the above and the surrounding countries with directions, relation to equator B – Described all the above and included names of places, seas, their location, directions, number of islands etc… A – Describe all the above and included latitude and longitude, and distances
What are the attractions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtVgOxXTnu4 Maldives – View from Above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtVgOxXTnu4
What are the attractions? The Maldives are home to 1100 species of fish, 5 species of sea turtle, 21 species of whales and dolphins and 187 species of coral. The Maldives islands are made up of isolated stretches of white sand, and offer peace from the harsh realities of the outside world. These beautiful islands are amazingly remote. The islands are rich in culture. Inhabited mainly by Sunni Muslims, the local culture is a mix of Sinhalese, Arab and South Indian influences. The capital city of Male’ is home to most of the nation’s cultural attractions: The National Museum, Presidential palace, Sultan Park, Male’ Fish Market and the Grand Friday mosque. The Maldives offers a variety of international cuisines. The Maldives experience tropical temperatures that range from 24 to 35 degrees all year long. There are 26 natural atolls (coral islands) and a total 1192 islands. In a table, record 2 human and 2 physical attractions of the Maldives. HUMAN PHYSICAL
Maldives – View from Above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtVgOxXTnu4 Imagine you work for the Maldives Tourist Board. You have been asked to create a voice over commentary for the ‘View from Above’ video with the aim of attracting people to come to the Maldives. Your voice over needs to be persuasive, descriptive and interesting to the listener. Write a description of the attractions in the form of a script. When reading it, it needs to last for at least 1 minute. SUCCESS CRITERIA A – detailed descriptions using evidence, place names, visual adjectives and verbs. C – clear descriptions beginning to use evidence, place names, suitable adjectives and verbs. E – Brief descriptions, limited/no evidence, place names, adjectives or verbs. Describe the Maldives to attract tourists Show an advert
The other side of Paradise…