CalCASA Treasurer Report As of February 2015
CalCASA Snapshot: P&L FY14 Review Revenue Expenses Net Income Approved $795k $744k $51k Actual $824k $763k $61k Over / Under +4% +3% +20%
Note: we’re 67% of the way through FY15 CalCASA Snapshot: P&L FY15 YTD, Feb-15 FY15, Feb-15 Revenue Expenses Net Income Approved $912k $849k $64k Actual $575k $483k $92.7k Actual / Approved +63% +57% +144% Note: we’re 67% of the way through FY15
CalCASA Snapshot: BUDGET FY15
CalCASA Snapshot: Cash Projections FY15
CalCASA Snapshot: Balance Sheet FY14 Review Assets Liability Equity $329k $198k $131k
CalCASA: Balance Sheet FY15 YTD (as of 02/28/2014) Assets Liability Equity $261k $205k $55k Balance Sheet, as of Feb - 15 Cash 89% Accrued Vaca 10% Grants Receivable Unearned Income 68% Prepaid Deposits 1% Equity 21% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% (% of Assets) 0% Assets Liability & Equity
CalCASA Snapshot: Operational Life Cash Hist. Avg Expense $232k $60k/month
CalCASA Snapshot: Donor Giving
CalCASA Snapshot: Board Giving Note: For FY15, we approved a budget calling for the board to give ~$53k. Come pledge time, we promised just ~$35k for direct giving. As of 4-8-15, direct giving actuals stood at ~$37k, 5% more than pledged, but still below budget by 29%, or ~$15k. Separately, we pledged ~$21k for Lifting Hearts and outperformed by giving ~$29k. Thus far, the board has given ~$66k, 17% above our pledge for both direct giving and events. We have ~$2k in outstanding pledges from 3-4 board members to collect.