OER for research repositories managers Issues on Open Educational Resources (OER), their collections and the role of the institutional repositories. Nick Sheppard Leeds Met Repository Development Officer @mrnick Laura Skilton (nee Shaw) Mimas Learning and Teaching Coordinator and Jorum Business Development Manager @Lauraar www.mimas.ac.uk mimas.ac.uk
OER for research repositories managers – does your institution manage its learning and teaching resources? mimas.ac.uk
Jorum A very quick overview www.jorum.ac.uk OER deposited by the UK, available to all, covers all subject areas New Beta, including reports Aggregation and bulk deposit A national infrastructure that can now be used by you
OER A very quick overview The UKOER Programme 9963#UKOER in Jorum OER InfoKit http://bit.ly/oerinfokit Evidence and a better understanding of the potential impact of OER Open University SCORE initiative Evaluation and Synthesis http://bit.ly/oerevalsynth Outside of UKOER funded projects OER in the third sector FE and Skills Programme (although will tag with UKOER) Continued institutional engagement http://wiki.creativecommons.org/OER_Policy_Registry OER13 – a shameless plug www.oer13.org Mike Walsh of Coventry University.
Issues with OER Overcoming barriers and finding enablers Teachers/academic staff Not aware of the benefits Time Skills/competencies Quality concerns Legal Management Understanding the value and benefits Institution wide approach Concerns about reputation and competition Managing Resources Uneven development - subject disciplines Enablers include: Links to support resources Guidance on Institutional engagement Engaging senior champions Links to evidence and case studies Barriers and enablers adapted from JISC infoNet http://bit.ly/oerinfokit
Research repositories managers - do these sound familiar? Teachers/academic staff Not all staff are aware of the benefits Time Skills/competencies Quality concerns Legal Management Understanding the value and benefits Institution wide approach Concerns about reputation and competition Managing Resources Uneven development - subject disciplines mimas.ac.uk
OER National Repositories mimas.ac.uk
A Jorum sub-site – a full repository solution, powered by Jorum www A Jorum sub-site – a full repository solution, powered by Jorum www.resourceshare.ac.uk
Jorum Beta beta.jorum.ac.uk (we want your feedback!) support@jorum.ac.uk #jorumbeta Jorum Beta beta.jorum.ac.uk (we want your feedback!) mimas.ac.uk
Jorum Beta beta.jorum.ac.uk (we want your feedback!) support@jorum.ac.uk #jorumbeta Jorum Beta beta.jorum.ac.uk (we want your feedback!) mimas.ac.uk
Jorum Windows www.jorum.ac.uk www.jorum.ac.uk/universityofX Nicole Cho, http://www.flickr.com/photos/nchoz/291075524 Anguskirk, http://www.flickr.com/photos/anguskirk/2870271049/ www.jorum.ac.uk www.jorum.ac.uk/universityofX
Windows onto Jorum Resources
Or do it yourself – Jorum API (you can ask for our help)
Managing OER Over to Nick Options and Choices A full repository solution In-house development or out-source Open Source or commercial software Jorum sub-site (like Re:Source) Use your existing Research Repository Use national infrastructure Jorum window - but local branding Use API like Jorum’s to build your own or integrate OER Over to Nick Others? Please type ideas into the chat box Over to Nick Leeds Met Repository Development Officer
OER for research repositories managers Open Access Research and Open Educational Resources – two very different animals? Nick Sheppard Repository Developer, Leeds Metropolitan University UKCoRR (Technical Officer) n.e.sheppard@leedsmet.ac.uk Blogs: http://repositorynews.wordpress.com/ http://ukcorr.org/activity/blog/ @mrnick @ukcorr
Does your institution run more than one repository? Does your Institutional Repository actively manage material other than textual research outputs? Does your institution run more than one repository? Learning objects, multimedia, research data, software, special (collections) OpenDoar – of 209 UK repositories; 90+ inc. material other than textual research output
The Elephant(s) in the Repository Digital objects Quality assurance Dissemination Discovery (SEO) Preservation Metadata Usage metrics Attribution/citation Copyright/licensing OA research / OER share many similarities (like African and Asian elephants!) Have I missed any?
Two very different animals? © Betty Smithers Design Collection, Staffs (1992) http://dspace.jorum.ac.uk/xmlui/handle/123456789/10968 Digital objects Non-textual, complex, IMS Content Packages, SCORM, nested content, remixable Quality assurance Need equivalent of peer review? Dissemination less formal than research(?), social media, user community Preservation OER more mutable than research, versioning/derivatives Metadata Dublin Core, IEEE LOM ukoer - very simple DC based http://humbox.ac.uk/313/ The IMS Content Packaging specification makes it possible to store chunks of material in a standard format which can be re-used in different systems, without having to convert the material into new formats SCORM - industry standard for e-learning interoperability; governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other CC and RCUK (Finch) – synergy / convergence? Usage metrics Different issues for OER – embedded in VLE, tracking in the wild Copyright/licensing CC established for OER, coming soon to a research repository near you
Difference between African & Asian elephants? Research paper from PLOS Biology: Genomic DNA Sequences from Mastodon and Woolly Mammoth Reveal Deep Speciation of Forest and Savanna Elephants - http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1000564 OER from Jorum: DNA Genes and Chromosomes (GENIE CETL – University of Leicester) - http://beta.jorum.ac.uk/resources/18887 DNA structure and function (University of Bath) - http://beta.jorum.ac.uk/resources/2786 Molecular Biology (The Saylor Foundation) - http://beta.jorum.ac.uk/resources/18286 What is the genome made of? (The Open University) - http://beta.jorum.ac.uk/resources/1050 Genomic DNA Sequences from Mastodon and Woolly Mammoth Reveal Deep Speciation of Forest and Savanna Elephants - http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1000564 To elucidate the history of living and extinct elephantids, we generated 39,763 bp of aligned nuclear DNA sequence across 375 loci for African savanna elephant, African forest elephant, Asian elephant, the extinct American mastodon, and the woolly mammoth. Our data establish that the Asian elephant is the closest living relative of the extinct mammoth in the nuclear genome, extending previous findings from mitochondrial DNA analyses We also find that savanna and forest elephants (African), which some have argued are the same species, are as or more divergent in the nuclear genome as mammoths and Asian elephants, which are considered to be distinct genera, thus resolving a long-standing debate about the appropriate taxonomic classification of the African elephants http://www.genome.gov/copyright.cfm
The Leeds Met repository JISC Repositories Start-up and Enhancement (2007) Prioritised set of needs Broad range of material Commercial solution (intraLibrary) SCORM / IMS Adult Learning Multiple Application Profiles Flexible organisational structure Unicycle - phase 1 ukoer project (2009) “Blended” repository http://repository.leedsmet.ac.uk/main/index.php Two publicly accessible collections Research (OA full text) OER Links between collections ALPS Common Competency Map – Communication
What are others doing? ukoer - not prescriptive around technology Licensing (Creative Commons) Local release and via Jorum Majority of projects did not use formal repositories 3rd party web 2.0 style platforms RSS as bulk upload solution Other repository solutions Xpert* Equella (Oxford Brookes, Coventry, Royal Holloway) Hydra (Hull and partners – Fedora based) EdShare (EPrints based) HumBox (EPrints based) Web 2.0 platforms: Greater convenience / dynamism (real or perceived!) RSS – quick and dirty. Has limitations. Hydra: Aim to enable multi-functional, multi-purpose repository solutions Hydra – one body of content, multiple ‘heads’ for access and management of different content types Each head allows for a different workflow, but you can also manage multiple content types through the same workflow Importance of user community
Do looks matter? OA research repositories – 80% traffic from Google People do not typically browse Are OER repositories different? Non-textual, often visual Greater importance of user communities? Web 2.0 platforms Jorum EdShare / HumBox Kultivate plug-in for EPrints UAL - http://ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk/ Lightboxes for images/websites EdShare / HumBox particularly successful building user communities around repositories Kultivate in context of Arts repositories (e.g. UAL)
Closing the institutional ukoer circle Repurpose Relicence Redeposit Leeds Met Repository teaching staff can source their own OER from Jorum, Xpert or other institutional or subject source – reuse and/or repurpose under the terms of Creative Commons and redeposit back into our local repository and thence automatically to Jorum / Xpert / other syndicated OER services (e.g. Learning Registry) via OAI-PMH and / or SWORD Parallels (ideal) development of OA research aggregation (CORE) Ubiquitous CC licensing makes it easier Open API OAI-PMH Parallels development of OA research aggregation CORE (Connecting Repositories) http://core-project.kmi.open.ac.uk/ Ubiquitous CC licensing makes it easier
Manual form based deposit Aggregation model Manual form based deposit http://www.resourceshare.ac.uk/ RSS OAI-PMH Open API SWORD clients OERPubAPI
A New Open Landscape? Open Access to research Finch report and role of (institutional) repositories Research Data Management Learning objects Multimedia Open Educational Resources (OER) Altmetrics Open journal publishing The lines are blurring Is our software up to the job?
I think Laura has one last question…
Why? Who for? Why have an OER repository or window? Who does it benefit? To host your learning resources – but why? Showcase your institution and it’s resources– by using Jorum you will automatically get a large audience and Google juice! Support your academics – by using Jorum you will raise their awareness of over 16,000 OER To compete To save money – a Jorum solution saved Scotland’s Colleges 50% Your academics Your students Learning support Senior management UK/Worldwide Teachers UK/Worldwide Students Others? Please type ideas into the chat box
OER for research repositories managers – Should your institution manage its learning and teaching resources?