What are we going to do today? What are the “middle ages”? What was life like? What caused it to end?
Transition to the Renaissance
Characteristics of Medieval Europe Pagan Religions Small Kingdoms Rural Population
What is the Feudal system??? Ruler of a small kingdom, the king is usually the strongest or wealthiest lord King Lord Peasant Peasants These are “vassals” of the king. They give up some of their power in exchange for the king’s protection Peasants are obedient to their lord. They work on his lands and pay taxes, and in exchange he gives them protection
Factors Affecting Medieval Europe Mongols Conquests of Genghis Khan Marco Polo Crusades Contact with Arabs Contact with Eastern Europe Trade Goods from Asia Goods from Middle East Factors Affecting Medieval Europe
The Mongols… * Makes trade along the Silk Road safer, which means more awesome goods go West. Europe starts to see what it’s been missing
The Crusades… *shows the Western world how far behind they are in technology, medicine, weaponry…pretty much everything
Trade… As Europeans have more contact with foreign people… They have more contact with foreign stuff… Europeans develop a strong desire for foreign goods like… Silk, Cotton, Spices, Porcelain, Persian rugs
Changes to Western Europe… Life During the Middle Ages Life During the Renaissance Rural society Agricultural society Feudal society Small towns & villages SOCIETY Shift to urban society Shift to manufacturing society Shift to worker society Shift to larger cities Held by land-owning nobles Regional power Feudal system POWER Held by wealthy people Centralized power Determined by birth STATUS Determined by wealth and ability
Why did the Feudal system end??? Black Plague 100 Years War End of the Feudal System
End of the Feudal System… Black Death kills 1/3 of Europe’s population & weakens power of the church Peasants revolt and demand more freedom 100 Years War allows monarchs to build huge armies and reduce power of nobles People move to cities to earn better wages Status began to be determined by wealth and ability, not birthright
The Black Plague… Came out of Mongolia Carried by the Mongol army Disease traveled in the fleas on the Mongols’ horses…and themselves! How did people fight it?
The Black Plague… Caught by Italian merchants…who fled back to Italy trying to avoid the disease, and ended up spreading it throughout Europe
How did people fight it???
The Black Plague…
The Black Plague… Carried along the Silk Road to the Middle East by merchants and travelers
The Black Plague… Impact on Europe: Loss of population 1/3 of Europeans die 25 to 50 million….about 8 million per year Which social class was hit hardest? Loss of faith in the church…why? Loss of faith in feudal lords…why?
End of the Feudal System… Black Death kills 1/3 of Europe’s population & weakens power of the church Peasants revolt and demand more freedom 100 Years War allows monarchs to build huge armies and reduce power of nobles People move to cities to earn better wages Status began to be determined by wealth and ability, not birthright
100 Years War… Fought between France & England Fought over who will be King of France Lasts for 116 years New technologies Long bow (funny story about that…) Firearms (no funny story) Joan of Arc End of Feudalism…why?
She’s a witch!!
End of the Feudal System… Black Death kills 1/3 of Europe’s population & weakens power of the church Peasants revolt and demand more freedom 100 Years War allows monarchs to build huge armies and reduce power of nobles People move to cities to earn better wages Status began to be determined by wealth and ability, not birthright
Rise of the Renaissance… Scholars and artists look to ancient Greece and Rome for inspiration and new ideas Medici family of Florence used profits to promote art and learning Crusades make Europeans eager to learn about the outside world Italian cities make trading connections with the Middle East…become rich and powerful Middle class merchants develop the idea of banking and insurance…gain control of huge sums of money
The Renaissance… Renaissance means “rebirth” Rebirth of “classical art and learning” Classical civilizations refer to Greece and Rome Society becomes more secular Secular = worldy -- Non-secular = religious Development of “humanism” Belief in human potential Idea of a “renaissance man”
Rise of the Renaissance… Scholars and artists look to ancient Greece and Rome for inspiration and new ideas Medici family of Florence used profits to promote art and learning Crusades make Europeans eager to learn about the outside world Italian cities make trading connections with the Middle East…become rich and powerful Middle class merchants develop the idea of banking and insurance…gain control of huge sums of money
MERCHANTS Wealthy/powerful social class, dominated politics Wealth based on success of their business Felt they deserved power based on achievements Florence, Italy ruled by MEDICI family (trade/banking merchants) for 30 years Lorenzo the Magnificent: major PATRON (supporter) of the arts
NEW ARTISTIC TECHNIQUES Renaissance is bringing back classical art & literature from Greek & Roman times In Italy, now painting/sculpting SECULAR arts, NOT RELIGIOUS arts more realistic people in classical settings
PERSPECTIVE 3 Dimensional Distant objects are smaller
SHADING Helps objects to look more realistic; 3-D look VS
SCULPTURES Study of human anatomy to paint and sculpt better More natural postures and expressions
NINJA TURTLES: LEONARDO LEONARDO DA VINCI: painter, sculptor, inventor, & scientist a true “Renaissance Man” Mona Lisa The Last Supper
NINJA TURTLES: MICHELANGELO MICHELANGELO: sculptor and painter Sistine Chapel Statue of David
NINJA TURTLES: DONATELLO DONATELLO: sculptor and painter; Revealed personality in his art One of the first to do a nude statue First bronze statue of St. Louis of Toulouse
NINJA TURTLES: RAPHAEL RAPHAEL studied from Michelangelo and Leonardo; painter Madonna and Child School of Athens
RENAISSANCE WRITERS, PART II WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Greatest playwright of all time: sonnets, plays, essays Romeo and Juliet Hamlet Othello Macbeth Midsummer Night’s Dream Julius Caesar King Lear
RENAISSANCE WRITERS ERASMUS: The Praise of Folly – said to improve society, all should study Bible MORE: Utopia – imaginary land inhabited by peaceful people; no use for money; means “no place”, but in English means “ideal place”
PRINTING SPREADS RENAISSANCE IDEAS Chinese 1st invent block printing JOHANN GUTENBERG: reinvents moveable type & comes up with printing press Gutenberg Bible: first full size book printed Came in English, French, and German VERNACULAR (own language) increased Can produce 100’s of copies Encouraged people to learn to read! RISE IN LITERACY & IDEAS SPREAD FASTER
And the winner is…(LP) 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place: Most influential people/animals/events/inventions…and explain WHY!! I’m in 3rd place because I helped to create the Renaissance by carrying this armful of papers…. 2nd 1st 3rd