SA&S-Fortnightly Status Report – Overview Period Ending 20 Sep 2017


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Presentation transcript:

SA&S-Fortnightly Status Report – Overview Period Ending 20 Sep 2017 Deliverables this period WSA : Process workshops outputs sent to attendees, completed system workshops for study away and placement processes. SCEC: started engagement with EUSA/students. Started validation of process with sponsor. MyEd Portal: completed all 3 pilot schools staff workshops, and student one to ones for requirements & UX. Exam Timetabling: data loaded into Exam Scheduler and training completed. Comprehensive timetable draft report 1st review. Tier 4 : International check-in has taken place. Some systems improvements have been made as a result  of feedback from check-in process. Development work on the Biometric card information capture. Policy: straw man and report being prepared for programme sponsor approval. TOM: vision and plan being presented to SEP Board. Current Status Previous Status A A SAS002 Student Centred Portal SAS003 Special Circs (SCEC) SAS004 Working & Study Away (WSA) SAS005 Exam Timetabling(ET) SAS006 Comprehensive Timetable Analysis(CTA) SAS007 Policy SAS008 Tier 4 compliance Management and Control Engagement Delivery Planning Resource RAID Costs & Benefits Stakeholders Communications A G -SCEC: process to be not approved by sponsor yet -WSA: other options for system solutions to be investigated -Exam Timetabling: data integration and readiness for testing phase to be completed Timeline completed - SSP senior BA work reprioritised to APT support/project. Risks to senior team members availability following resignation in SSP. -MyEd pilot; single developer & UX resource being addressed RAID log up-to-date for Risks and Issues, Assumptions and Dependencies. Updated as projects progress. Cost forecasts broken down per project. Benefits log completed in PIDs: logged at programme level. Work required on baselining student and staff experience. Planning additional user engagement at projects from Academics and students (SCEC), from students (MyEd and WSA). Being done through projects/workshops, programme lead 1:1 and SEP newsletter

SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Risks -Period Ending 20 Sep 2017 Consequences Inherent Impact Residual Impact Residual Prob’ty/ Uncert’y Risk Level Risk Mvt since last mth Current & Management Processes and Mitigating Activities and Future Developments Senior Managerial Responsibility For escalation from project to programme There is a risk that there is insufficient buy-in from Schools and Colleges due to insufficient SEP communication of benefits and unplanned approaches for resources (e.g. specific roles in projects, attendance at workshops, responding to requests for data) Projects will not get traction, Colleges and Schools not convinced of need for change, benefits will not be realised 4 3 12 u Communication and Stakeholder engagement can be planned now that the approaches and roles are nearing agreement and resource is in place to support the teams.  At SEP level work will be done to map the impact on business units of the changes proposed.  Programme level engagement to be articulated using all the projects workshops/consultation details. 20/9 roadshows done. Additional Comm work with PMO, aim is to further cascade and direct engagement with stakeholders Neil McGillivray There is a risk that the projects do not challenge existing business processes. The projects are not transformational but merely replicate business processes which already exist. 2 8 1.This needs to be built into the initial design. 2. New staff brought on to project teams receive a SEP induction to ensure that they are familiar with the evaluation criteria and design principles and can be advocates for SEP across the institution. 3. Investigate ways in which issues can be escalated through SEP and other governance structures. 4. Feedback TOM review findings.

SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Risks-Period Ending 20 Sep 2017 (cont…) Consequences Inherent Impact Residual Impact Residual Prob’ty/ Uncert’y Risk Level Risk Mvt since last mth Current & Management Processes and Mitigating Activities and Future Developments Senior Managerial Responsibility For information Special Circs . There is a risk that academic staff are not engaging with workshops (was Users will not buy into the change) Participation in the project may be limited which could impact the analysis and solution design as not wide enough cross section of the university is represented. 5 4 3 12 q Reduce: 1. Raise awareness of project through effective communication strategy New actions: need to validate academic staff view through established college networks (CUGLAT, Senior Tutor Network, CLTC, staff training sessions) and nominated academic leads. The Project Sponsor (Stephen) will validate the project outcomes with academic leads in each of the Schools. We are also encouraged to use the academic members of the Project Board as critical friends. Neil to set this up with Stephen. Jaffar Hamoudi Working & Study Away. There is a risk the estimated effort to build the system solution is much more significant than the one articulated in the OBC Delay to go live, user disengaged, too expensive to build in house 1-external benchmarking of  other software & comparative university use 2-internal audit of current Online Mobility System and SITS placement components 3-Reprioritise minimum requirements around student service (use TOM) Exam Timetabling -There is a risk that there is limited business resource between Oct and Dec to do parallel integration testing as the team prepares for the exam timetabling peak period during the next Dec Diet Delay to testing and training staff u 1. Bring in additional Timetabling BA resource/Sabrina to help testing 2. Scott to step in  to manage next Diet to free operational time from Alyson to do testing- James will lead on testing within Alyson's Exam Timetabling team 3. Alyson has been pro active in completing tasks 4- final option would be to reschedule go live with the Resits Diet in Aug-Decision point in Dec. Jamie Thin New risk

SAS– Fortnightly Status Report – Programme Issues Period Ending 20 Sep 2017 Green - Low Not currently impacting the project A Amber - Medium Resolution in hand and is being managed within the Programme R Red – High Immediate escalation is required Issue ID # Issue Description. There is an issue that… Severity Score (RAG) Issue resolution Senior Managerial Responsibility For escalation from project to programme 1 Special Circs. There is an issue that the future process is not ambitious enough and not aligned to TOM vision. Its validation by Sponsor and Business Lead has not been completed yet., and is preventing it from sharing with academic leads. Medium  Meeting has been arranged to agree the proposed new process and ways of working. The next step would be to circulate the outputs to the participants and  validate the process with academic and professional services leads. Neil McGillivray 2 Special Cics- BA resources are being diverted from project to support APT, this is causing delay to producing workshop outputs and planning systems workshops Re-align SSP resource (senior BA/Chris) as per priority to support APT in the mid term (DONE), while continuing progress of SCEC project with other SSP BA (Shirley) and SE Core team (Nathalie) Barry Neilson 3 Special Circs, Working Study Away-The impending departure of Karen Osterburg will result in increased workload if senior Business Analysts have to take on some of the management responsibilities/business queries currently undertaken by Karen. Low Put in place arrangements to ensure that the daily management activities are taken care of by someone other than the senior business analysts. For information 4 Working & Study Away- Consultation has highlighted the current Mobility systems is used to support visiting students application process, staff placements recording and Erasmus fund management. All of these elements are outside the scope of the project. If the above processes are not covered, the Mobility system would not be decommissioned as intended and the system would have to be used in conjunction with the new study away solution.  This may negate some of the anticipated benefits stated in the OBC and may worsen end user experience. Quantifying the impact in terms of development time and cost would require detailed analysis which could in turn have an impact on the project timeline. Agreed to carry out analysis to identify changes to the business process, costs, impacts on current plan, and review benefits (Approved to cap analysis) Jaffar Hamoudi 5 MyEd portal-There is a reliance on a single developer to build the pilot, creating a single point of failure and no cover during his scheduled annual leave. Plan additional resources. Options are: -Short term: secure developer from DTI011 Leigh Gordon. (DONE) - Use third party software to provide resources from November onwards- Defeng progressing Iain Fiddes

RAG Guidance Criteria Red Amber Green Delivery Key deliverables at risk Some risks around delivery On track for delivery Planning No detailed plan Detailed plan in place. Gaps around benefit/key deliverables. Not fully up to date. Covers less than 6 weeks. Detailed, current plan in place covering the next 6 weeks. Resource Significant skills or resource gaps Some gaps All resource in place and trained. RAID No documented risks and issues. Defined process and roles. Clearly defined escalation routes. Risks and issues log actively maintained and reviewed by project team. Costs & benefits Very limited benefit identification/ limited understanding of costs Some gaps in information. Costs fully broken down and information accessible. Benefits documented and logged in register. Stakeholder engagement Very limited identification. No documented plan. Some ad hoc identification of stakeholders. Incomplete plan. Not approved by sponsor. Stakeholder, interest and needs systematically identified. Plan for engaging in place and approved by sponsor. Communications Little current information on website; stakeholders not informed of status Some ad hoc communication. Some information on website Website updated for last completed stage. Stakeholders informed and aware of nest stage plans. Key messages available for last stage. A programme will be assumed to be green initially. It may be red/amber status if 2/8 elements are red or amber. A project is likely to be red/amber if 3 or more elements are that colour. A project is red/amber if 4 or more elements are that colour.