5th Grade Curriculum Night Adventure Awaits!
5th Grade Teachers Amy Bates- Math/Science amy.bates@allenisd.org 972-236-0600 ex.8337 Stephanie Gardner – ELA/Social Studies stephanie.gardner@allenisd.org 972-236-0600 ex. 8394 Rhonda Nesin- Math/Science rhonda.nesin@allenisd.org 972-236-0600 ex. 8393 Amber Preston- ELA/Social Studies amber.preston@allenisd.org 972-236-0600 ex. 8336
Positive Attitude Act Responsibly Wise Choices Stay Focused Cheetah Expectations Positive Attitude Act Responsibly Wise Choices Stay Focused 9 weeks Report Card Equivalent: Outstanding 0-3 signatures Satisfactory 4-7 signatures Needs Improvement 8-11 signatures Unsatisfactory 12+ signatures
Technology Reminder: You may access your child’s grades by going to the Allen ISD website. Family and Student Access https://www.allenisd.org/ Student Apps and Click Sheet https://www.allenisd.org/chandleres
Cheetah Challenge Our campus and district vision is: Every child educated at the highest level leading to academic success and unparalleled personal growth. “Cheetah Challenge” is a daily, 45 minute time period set aside for students to receive instructional support and enrichment to develop and build academic skills. Our grade level will be working as a team, along with other skilled teachers in our building, to provide for the needs of all of our students.
Communication Orange Communication Folder-homework and conduct calendar –please sign if student receives a signature Agenda Tuesday Folder-Weekly school wide and grade level communication and graded papers. Newsletter- sent electronically every Tuesday Emails and phone calls- will be returned after instructional time or during our planning period within 24 hours. 5th grade teacher planning period is 8:15-9:00 daily. Dismissal change after 12pm- please call the office
Grades 60% daily work and homework; 40% tests, quizzes, and projects Make up work – for each day of an excused absence, one day will be given to the complete assignment(s). If your child is absent for any reason, please send a note of explanation and call the office. Absences without notes are considered unexcused Students may be penalized up to 10 points a day (30 points max.) for late work.