5th Grade Middle School Math 1 5th Period
Welcome to Teacher Talk Due to limited time, if you have a question that can’t be answered please write it on the index card and I will answer it via email in the next week.
Curriculum Outline The topics covered in Middle School Math 2 this year are: ~Number Sense, Addition and Subtraction ~Probability ~Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers and Decimals ~Data and Statistics ~Expressions and Equations ~Geometry ~Integers ~Ratio, Proportion, and Percent ~Number Theory ~Percent Application ~Fractions ~Measurement
Curriculum Outline cont’d NC Standard Course of Study…”plus” MS Math 1 *Sadlier Progress in Mathematics- Primary source Sadlier Fundamentals of Algebra - many chapters will be blended into instruction Math Resources Sites: http://maccss.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/, https://www.khanacademy.org/ , http://www.purplemath.com/
Classroom Rules *ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS bring your interactive notebook to class everyday. *L.E.A.R.N.: L-listen for instructions E-enter and exit prepared A-always try your best R-respect yourself and others N-no excuses
Classroom Rules Cont’d R - Respect - Show respect to everyone, adults and peers T - Talking - Talk at appropriate times and levels RS - Responsibility - Be responsible for self, property, and work C - Completion - Complete all work F - Follow Directions - Follow all directions and stay on task
Grading expectations 5th grade is assessed on a 4-point scale Academic 4- Exceeds mastery of the standard(s) by going above and beyond what was explicitly taught for the standard(s) 3- Demonstrates mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 2- Developing understanding of standard(s) taught with major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 1- Unsatisfactory understanding of basic ideas or processes of the standard(s) taught. Homework 4- Seeks additional opportunities to expand his/her learning beyond what was explicitly assigned. 3- Consistently turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability. 2- Inconsistently turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability 1- Rarely turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability
Homework Assigned, usually, 4-5 days a week Due on the next school day (unless otherwise noted) Work 20-30 minutes each night (unless otherwise noted) Should be written down each day in some type of agenda
Homework cont’d Accountability system - will begin next week. When homework is not completed or brought to class a reflection will be filled out, brought home to be signed, and returned with completed work the next day.
Progress reports and report cards
Progress Reports and report cards MRSA uses a scale of 4, 3, 2, 1. These grades are used for K-5 students in all subject areas, including effort, behavior and homework. Progress Reports: A progress report is a written document, but are not part of student records. Grades are stated for academics to indicate a student's progress towards their level of understanding of, and ability to, apply a skill or standard at the midway point for a quarter. Effort, homework and behavior are given grades independent from academics. Progress reports will go home approximately half way through each quarter. Report Cards: A report card is a written legal document. On a report card grades are stated for academics to indicate a student's level of understanding of, and ability to, apply a skill or standard for a quarter. Effort, homework and behavior are given grades independent from academics. Report cards will go home approximately one week after a quarter ends. Academic 4: Exceeds mastery of the standard(s) by going above and beyond what was explicitly taught for the standard(s) 3+ :Consistently demonstrates mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions and is approaching the ability to exceed mastery of the standard(s) by going above and beyond what was explicitly taught for the standard(s) 3: Demonstrates mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 2+: Is approaching the demonstration of mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions 2: Developing understanding of standard(s) taught with major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 1+: Is approaching the development of understanding of standard(s) taught with major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 1: Unsatisfactory understanding of basic ideas or processes of the standard(s) taught.