Malta Avenue Elementary School Meet the Teacher Night September 2014 Ms. Hoins Malta Avenue Elementary School
Curriculum Overview Math We now use the Go Math Program based on the Common Core Standards. Students each have an account in “Think Central” which provides resources and support for your efforts at home. In addition to the Go Math program we will be using units of study developed by the NY State Department of Education along with other resources that meet the curriculum expectations. Our goal is to present multiple pathways to understanding for the students so that they will be successful. I have added links to helpful websites and videos to my website that will help you support your child’s work in mathematics in grade 5. Areas of Study: · Operations and Algebraic Thinking · Number and Operations in Base Ten (whole numbers, fractions and decimals) · Measurement and Data · Geometry · Problem Solving
ELA Curriculum Overview · Along with 45 other states, New York State has adopted the new National Standards or Common Core Standards for English Language Arts for academic achievement. These standards are intended to ensure that all students are career and college ready at the end of 12th grade. Learning experiences in ELA will be more rigorous and will help develop a deeper connection and understanding of text. The Common Core State Standards in ELA ask that students read a balance of informational and narrative text. Students will utilize informational text, (including text found on the internet) to gather information on a variety of topics. Students will use evidence from readings to support their ideas, develop arguments and support their research topics. · Narrative text tells a story and readers will explore the works of well known authors to see how the craft of writing can be used to share experiences and ideas. Throughout the year, students will develop vocabulary in our spelling curriculum and across all of the content areas. A strong functional vocabulary helps students to improve their understanding of both informational and literary texts. · Using direct evidence from our readings to support our ideas and arguments · Making inferences based on information in our readings · Explaining the theme (fiction) or main idea (nonfiction) of a text · Comparing and contrasting different texts or even ideas presented within the same text · Analyzing the point of view of the characters or of the author and how that point of view impacts the text
Curriculum Overview Science Social Studies · The Scientific Method · The Scientific Method · Matter & Atoms · Climate/Weather · Human Body & Health · Ecology and Ecosystems In fifth grade the emphasis is on inquiry based activities which require that the students discover and explore concepts for themselves through a variety of hands-on activities. The students will be encouraged to use the “scientific method” of problem solving and to communicate their results in a variety of formats. In fifth grade we study the Western Hemisphere: Canada, the United States & Latin America. Our topics will include each region’s: · History · Geography · Economics · Government · Major Conflicts · Changes and Innovations The emphasis is on the integration of literacy skills and content to help students understand social studies concepts and content. We will conduct research and explore various perspectives on social studies topics and current events.
ASSESSMENT Procedures ASSESSMENT DRIVES INSTRUCTION Spelling tests are given every Friday & Notebooks are assessed Other notebooks are assessed periodically – usually bi- weekly for ELA and monthly for Science & Social Studies. Frequent quizzes are given in Mathematics to assess understanding following lessons. Tests will be given following units of study in content areas & study guides will be provided in advance. Content area tests will be announced ahead of time Projects will be assessed using multi-dimensional rubrics. In addition to the regular tests, your child will be taking the English Language Arts & Math state tests in the Spring.
Grading Class grades align with the report card grades and are based on the Common Core Standards for 5th Grade. Our goal is to provide a holistic assessment of your child as a learner so that we can effectively meet their individual needs. We will work hard to prepare them for a successful start to the Middle School next fall.
What is a rubric? This year most of your child’s work will be graded using a rubric. “The rubric is one authentic assessment tool which is designed to simulate real life activity where students are engaged in solving real-life problems. It is a formative type of assessment because it becomes an ongoing part of the whole teaching and learning process. Students themselves are involved in the assessment process through both peer and self-assessment. As students become familiar with rubrics, they can assist in the rubric design process. This involvement empowers the students and as a result, their learning becomes more focused and self-directed.” (Pickette and Dodge).
RULES Respect other people’s space and possessions Respect other people’s ideas and feelings Respect other people’s effort (work) Respect the Malta Avenue School Community: - Walk quietly in the halls - Keep your hands to yourself Rewards for following the rules: Extra free time Extra privileges Extra recess time Special activities Lunch in the classroom Homework assignment pass Consequences for not following the rules: Verbal warning and redirection Loss of privilege Loss of extra recess time Meeting with teacher Email home Referral Meeting with parents
HOMEWORK POLICY The homework assignments are posted on my website and a copy is printed and given to each student. The students also record assignments in their agendas each day. The timely completion of homework assignments is an important skill for students to master in order to be successful in the Middle School and High School. They need to learn how to manage their time and materials so that they are able to complete their assignments at home. In fifth grade the homework should usually take no longer than 1 hour. If your child is really struggling with any assignments please let me know with a note or an email. If they are stuck, they should make an educated guess. Homework is corrected and discussed in class. It is their responsibility to bring it to school and hand it in.
Agendas Students will fill out agendas with assigned homework each day. Students should refer to their agenda to make sure they are doing the correct assignments . (They should also refer to my website.) There will be homework almost every week-night. Please check your to see if your child has completed his/her homework. Also, please check for notes teachers may have written in the agenda. Missing assignments will negatively affect their grades.
Snacks Snacks Your child may bring a healthy snack in every day (fruit, vegetables, crackers, etc.). They may also keep a water bottle on their desk. Food will not be a part of our celebrations including birthdays and holidays.
Reminders Parents must turn in a new volunteer form every year. This form needs to be on file in the office before the parent comes in to volunteer in the classroom or any of the school activities like the book fair or if they wish to chaperone a field trip. The form must be submitted one week prior to volunteering.
Finally: KEEP IN TOUCH! Website! I like email! Last year I had great success keeping in touch with my class families using “blind cc” emails. I found it to be a quick and efficient way to keep parents up to date. If you would like to be included in the email list please email me at and I will add you to my list,