CLAS Teaching Policies and Procedures Important information about CLAS teaching policies and procedures are at this CLAS For Faculty link: For Information on the General Education CLAS Core requirements, see this page:
Each course needs TWO descriptions Every Course Needs Two Course Descriptions Each course needs TWO descriptions A General Catalog overview of the course. This brief summary is entered automatically when the course is added to the online course schedule. An in-depth description. This gives specific details for a course as taught in the current semester and often includes assignments, exams, and course format. This must be entered on the schedule each semester.
syllabus Content and Related Policies CORRECT DATE Contact Information and Office Hours course NUMBER, TITLE, Description GE status and outcomes if GE course Course Learning Outcomes Attendance policies and Procedures GRADES and how they are calculated Other expectations for behaviors Exam Policy Detailed calendar with clear topic headings & due dates and don’t forget the CLAS policy insert
CLAS ABSENCE POLICY FOR STUDENTS Instructors should clarify their own particular policies and procedures on the syllabus, keeping in mind that the instructor's policies must conform to the broader CLAS and UI expectations. CLAS and UI policy mandates that students be allowed to make up an EXAM missed because of sickness; unavoidable circumstances beyond the student's control; mandatory religious obligations; and official UI activities. Rushing for a fraternity; employment; volunteering for a club activity; or taking care of routine business, such as getting an UI ID card, are NOT official activities. An official activity is accompanied by an official letter from the related UI office or person. If a student is ill one time, no documentation is needed. If a student has a pattern of illness, missing more than one exam, medical documentation must be presented by the student.
Handling Complaints We encourage students to bring complaints first to the instructor and the course supervisor and then to the DEO. Often students simply want to be heard and understood. Listening is crucial. It is fine to say, “I need to consider this overnight. I will contact you by email tomorrow.” Feel free consult with me before making a decision.
Teaching Evaluations: Best Practices Online evaluations are completely anonymous. No handwriting, no ID numbers, no names! Reassure students often. Students should complete the evaluation during class time; add this to the syllabus calendar. Act as if the evaluations are paper-based. Leave the classroom and return later. Tell students how you will use their feedback; try giving a midterm survey and make changes if needed so students know you are serious about using the evaluations. Show students how to access the form through ICON. Students can use a cell phone, ipad, or laptop. Have the classroom computer set up, too. If absent, the evaluation can be completed later.
New Policies Beginning Spring 2018 Textbook orders for Fall and Spring are due by Early Registration for the following semester: November 6, 2017 and April 9, 2018. This new policy applies to all UI colleges.
Syllabi should be added to the MyUI Schedule of Courses for Spring 2018. Each offered course must have an updated syllabus attached before Early Registration. Faculty may note at the top of the syllabus that some changes in the syllabus may be made before the course is offered. The textbooks required, however, must be accurate.