SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION OR AS THE IMPOSSIBLE TURNS TO OBVIOUS Pawel M. Socha Institute for the Study of Religions Jagiellonian University Psychology of Religion Unit e-mail: p.socha@iphils.uj.edu.pl SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION OR AS THE IMPOSSIBLE TURNS TO OBVIOUS
WHICH THEORIES CONTRIBUTED TO MY POSITION ON SPIRITUALITY? Notion of the boundary (existential) situation (K. Jaspers) Phenomenological-cognitive theory of coping (R. Lazarus) Theory of spiritual intelligence (R. Emmons) Terror management theory (J. Greenberg, S. Solomon & T. Pyszczynski) Cognitive theory of the existential meaning (J. Bering)
Process of coping with the existential situation CONSTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF REALITY PROCESSES OF APPRAISAL – feeling of alienation, necessities, limitations of time (mortality, transitoriness), of space, psychological deficits, inability to „get out of oneself”, economical, etc.. Biological, terrifying, direct, purely sensual, „primary experience” of reality Hay: relational consciousness - „here and now”, „mystery”, „noetic value”) Greenberg, Solomon & Pyszczynski – existential terror TRANSFORMATION Transformation is the process of symbolic adaptation This involves the evolutionary and culturally developed abilities, consisting among others, of: Shared with animals, processes of orientation allowing for the recognition of threats and of their avoidance Available only to humans IMPERATIVE ability for thinking in terms of cause and reason (predicting, planning, imaging, etc.), and directing these cognitive processes into one’s self (self-awareness’ feedback) Evolutionary ability to attribute intentionality to any object Ability to manipulate one’s states of consciousness (mysticism) Ability to put off the logos in favour of the mythos Accumulation of the resources of knowledge, accessible also for next generations (creation of the culture) In result of the transformation, THE UNAVOIDABLE CAN BECOME POSSIBLE, THE IMPOSSIBLE TURNS TO OBVIOUS
RESOURCES: IDEALS AND PATTERNS OF CULTURE Existential situation CONSTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF REALITY PROCESES OF APPRAISAL – feeling of alienation, necessity, limitations of time (mortality, transitoriness), of space, psychological deficits, inability to „get out of oneself”, economical, etc.. TRANSFORMATION (SPIRITUAL) AMONG OTHERS, ITS RESOURCES ARE: Religion and religiousness National identity Family life Rules of social relationships, e.g., morality Forms of artistic expression Techniques of personal growth and social integration Psychotherapies Biological, terrifying, direct, purely sensual, „primary experience” of reality Hay: relational consciousness - „here and now”, „mystery”, „noetic value”) Greenberg, Solomon & Pyszczynski – existential terror
THE OUTCOMES OF TRANSFORMATION Existential situation CONSTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF REALITY TRANSFORMATION RADICALLY NEW UNDERSTANDING AND EXPERIENCING OF THE SITUATION AS „HOLY”, „SACRED” „MIRACULOUS”, „SUPER-HUMAN” – INCLUDING ONE’S OWN PERSON AS EXCEPTIONAL: Experience of a „higher” meaning, affording an unusual control, certainty of knowledge, „higher” personal value, e.g., as chosen („chosen” can be even a nation), predestined to a special mission, salvation, or other reward PROCESES OF APPRAISAL – feeling of alienation, necessity, limitations of time (mortality, transitoriness), of space, psychological deficits, inability to „get out of oneself”, economical, etc.. RESOURCES: Religion and religiousness National identity Family life Rules of social relationships, e.g., morality Forms of the artistic expression Techniques of personal growth and social integration Psychotherapies Biological, terrifying, direct, purely sensual, „primary experience” of reality Hay: relational consciousness - „here and now”, „mystery”, „noetic value”) Greenberg, Solomon & Pyszczynski – existential terror
Any experience of transformation is a reinterpretation of some element of reality, or its fragment, in a new way For example, such a fragment can be: Part of self-perception (elements of the Self scheme, such as self-esteem, identification with another person, actual or fictional, etc.) Way of perception of others (e.g., through development of empathic skills) Vision of nature (e.g., development of ecological awareness) Adaptation of new patterns of the ethical or esthetical values
... But there are also: such experiences of transformation, as: The subject’s subordination to a superior power (e.g., a feeling of absolute dependence – Schleiermacher’s theology) Furnishing the subject with the forces or possibilities, not affordable before (e.g., ability of healing) Or – on the opposite pole – putting off the responsibility for the flow of things to the transcendent agent, releasing the subject from decision making or from any activity (decrease of subjectivity)
... in the interaction with religious tradition: Discovery of the new self resulting from the experience of meeting some personal (best if believed to be divine, supernatural) being, like: JESUS CHRIST BUDDHA
... Perfection or at least „exchange” of the part of the self The Buddhist Arhat The Muslim convert Jusuf Islam
... Becoming a „destined” person (a new self through revelation) PROPHETS EZECHIEL MUHAMMAD JOSEPH SMITH
… A SATANIC TRANSFORMATION (a new self through possession) Sister Jeanne des Anges from Loudun
IS THE TRANSFORMING EXPERIENCE JUST THE RESULT OF IMAGERY??? The existential situation cannot actually happen. Why we would not just imagine it? Recall: Anxieties paralyzing the neurotic individual Breathtaking – both fearful and ecstatic – experience of the Himalaya conqueror Is there any benefit from these instances?
COPING „AS IF” – we immunize ourselves to the real situations Moreover… Every HEALTHY individual „likes to feel fear” We get bored with films without a suspense Romantic love presented in literature or film „must” be unfortunate BUT WHY??? COPING „AS IF” – we immunize ourselves to the real situations