ToDaL-SiG Room Map Instructions Sheet DAILY GRADE PROJECT Objective: To become a cartographer and make an accurate and detailed map of one room in your house. Students will use their ToDaL-SiG Notes and knowledge of maps to create a scaled down map of a room and its contents. The map should be created as if it is a bird’s-eye view of the room (without a roof). Step 1: Choose a room in your home that has a MINIMUM of 5 pieces of furniture. Step 2: Accurately measure your room with a tape measure. Step 3: Create a grid on which you will show your room details. Grid scale will equal one box per square foot in real life. Step 4: Label the grid. (A, B, C, D… on one axis; 1, 2, 3, 4…on the other axis) Step 5: Accurately measure each piece of furniture (record the measurements to the nearest ½ inch). Step 6: Accurately place the furniture on your grid. Make sure all pieces are in the correct location. Make sure all pieces are the correct size for the smaller-scaled “replica” of the room. Step 7: ToDaL-SiG: include a title, compass rose, legend, and scale for your map. Materials needed: 1 piece of graph paper; ruler or other straight edge; markers; colored pencils; tape measure; any other materials you wish to use to make your map your own. DAILY GRADE PROJECT DUE DATE: FRIDAY 10/6.
DAILY GRADE PROJECT DUE DATE: FRI., OCT. 6. ToDaL-SiG Room Map T=TITLE All maps need a title. Be creative and make your title colorful and neat. D=DIRECTION Include a compass rose on your map. Make sure your compass rose points to the northern wall of the room. L=LEGEND You will need a legend to describe each of the colors, patterns, pieces of furniture in your room. S=SCALE Your scale will be “1 box equals 1 sq. foot.” G=GRID Your entire map is done on a grid that you have created with a ruler or other straight-edge. Label the grid as shown in my example. Add to the LEGEND: Draw a single object that has been “tossed” onto the floor of the room. In the legend, describe the absolute location of that object using the grid and labels you created. For example: “My backpack is located at G8.” ToDaL-SiG Room Map Extra notes: *Furniture can be drawn and colored right onto the grid. *The most important feature of the furniture is that it is accurately scaled and place on the grid. Creativity, neatness, and accuracy are a must! DAILY GRADE PROJECT DUE DATE: FRI., OCT. 6.