Network Design Jack TSAI Cisco Academy Instructor FAMU-FSU College of Engineering February 2003
Network Design Gathering information organization's history and current status projected growth operating policies and management procedures viewpoints of the people who will be using the LAN
Network Design Analysis make a detailed analysis and assessment of the current and projected requirements of those people who will be using the network
Network Design Resources Identify the resources and constraints of the organization hardware resources software resources human resources current and future resources
Network Design Resources (Cont’d) WHAT TRAINING IS NECESSARY? How are these resources currently linked and shared? How many people will be using the network? What are the computer skill levels of the network users? What are their attitudes toward computers and computer applications? WHAT TRAINING IS NECESSARY?
Network Design Preliminary Design Service requirements LAN topology (tree, ring, etc.) POP, MDF, IDF (location) Media selection (type, range) Devices consideration (switch, etc.) WITHIN BUDGET CONSTRAINT?
Network Design Detailed Design VLAN Access control Routing protocols Default routes WAN connections Individualized applications (proxy, etc.)
Network Design Verification Bandwidth estimation Access control result Reachability test ISP negotiation (price and technology) Operating Systems identification