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Fiscal Policy v. Monetary Policy Unit 4 Review Fiscal Policy v. Monetary Policy
What are the two tools of fiscal policy? Gov’t spending & taxes
What is it called when you try to stabilize the economy by increasing the money supply? Expansionary or Easy money policy
What is it called when you try to stabilize the economy by decreasing the money supply? Contractionary or Tight money policy
Using fiscal policy how would you stabilize an the economy in a recession? Expansionary or Contractionary policy Expansionary
Using fiscal policy how would you implement expansionary policy? Increase gov’t spending & decrease taxes
Using fiscal policy how would you stabilize an the economy with high inflation? Expansionary or Contractionary policy Contractionary
Using fiscal policy how would you implement contractionary policy? Decrease gov’t spending & increase taxes
What are the three tools of monetary policy? Reserve Requirement Discount Rate Open Market Operations
Tight or easy money policy Easy money policy Using monetary policy how would you stimulate the economy if the GDP has been declining for two years? Tight or easy money policy Easy money policy
Using monetary policy how would you stop rapid inflation? Tight or easy money policy Tight money policy
How would you use monetary policy to implement easy money policy? Lower the reserve requirement Lower the discount rate Buy bonds/securities
How would you use monetary policy to implement tight money policy? Raise the reserve requirement Raise the discount rate Sell bonds/securities
What would cause high inflation? High employment rate Shortage of consumer goods Decrease in taxes Increase in gov’t spending Demand-pull Cost-push Excessive monetary growth
Who implements monetary policy? Federal Reserve
Who implements fiscal policy? Federal Gov’t