Modulation and Coding set design for IEEE 802.16m system Document Number: IEEE C802.16m-09/0216 Date Submitted: 2009-01-05 Source: Hua Zhou, Shengbao Liang, Yuanrong Lan, Jie Zhang, Yuantao Zhang, Jinyin Xue, Jian Wang, Jun Tian Voice: +86-10-59691519 Fujitsu R&D Center. E-mail: Venue: IEEE 802.16m-08/052-Call for Comments and Contributions on Project 802.16m System Description Document (SDD), on the topic of TGm SDD Channel coding Base Contribution: C802.16m-08_1425 Purpose: To be discussed and adopted into the 802.16m SDD by TGm. Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and < >.
Introduction MCS (Modulation and Coding Set) in 16e With 11 kinds of schemes: QPSK ½ rep 6, QPSK ½ rep 4, QPSK ½ rep 2, QPSK ½, 16QAM ½, 16QAM ¾, 64QAM ½, 64QAM 2/3, 64QAM ¾, 64QAM 5/6.
Issues to be considered The SINR gap between two adjacent MCS levels is 3dB, 2.5dB, 3.5dB, 1.0dB, 3.5dB, 1dB, and 1.5dB, which have big variance. Most users in one system may have limited SINR range, for example, from 0dB to 10dB, but in this range, the MCS satisfied for target BLER can be only selected from 3 MCS levels (QPSK ½, QPSK ¾, 16QAM ½ ) in 16e system. For link level simulation, too many MCS levels greater than 15dB, less MCS levels between -10dB and 15dB in 16e MCS. SINR (dB) Hist
Proposed solution Assign more MCS levels in certain SINR area, i.e., we design more MCS level for SNR with high probability, and less MCS level for SNR with less probability.
Proposed MCS and corresponding target SINR MCS Index Target Code Rate Mod Order SNR Spectral Efficiency 0.1333(2/15) 2 -4.97dB 0.2667 1 0.2174(5/23) -2.85dB 0.4348 0.3448(10/29) -0.84dB 0.6897 3 0.4762(10/21) 0.91dB 0.9524 4 0.6000(11/18) 2.52dB 1.2000 5 0.3157(6/19) 3.98dB 1.2632 6 0.4167(5/12) 5.40dB 1.6667 7 0.4848(16/33) 6.56dB 1.9394 8 0.5556(5/9) 7.52dB 2.2222 9 0.6250(5/8) 8.61dB 2.5000 10 0.7142(5/7) 9.94dB 2.8571 11 0.5000(1/2) 11.56dB 3.0000 12 0.6111(11/18) 13.19dB 3.6667 13 0.7037(19/27) 14.94dB 4.2222 14 0.8000(4/5) 16.64dB 4.8000 15 0.9048(19/21) 18.94dB 5.4286
Proposed Text For SDD 11.13 Channel coding and HARQ Modulation and Coding Set MCS Index Target Code Rate Modulation Order 0.1333(2/15) 2 8 0.5556(5/9) 4 1 0.2174(5/23) 9 0.6250(5/8) 0.3448(10/29) 10 0.7142(5/7) 3 0.4762(10/21) 11 0.5000(1/2) 6 0.6000(11/18) 12 0.6111(11/18) 5 0.3157(6/19) 13 0.7037(19/27) 0.4167(5/12) 14 0.8000(4/5) 7 0.4848(16/33) 15 0.9048(19/21)
Simulation results Link level simulation More MCS levels at central SINR range With much improvement for this SNR range
Simulation results System level simulation Sector Throughput (bps/Hz) Sector Throughput (bps/Hz) User Coverage 5%(bps/Hz) MIMO (2x2) MIMO(4x4) 16e MCS table 1.41 2.41 0.027 0.049 New MCS table 1.57 2.66 0.032 0.054 Performance Gain 11.3% 10.4% 18% 10.2%
Simulation results User throughput results 2x2 MIMO 4x4 MIMO For 16e MCS, in MIMO case, throughput loss appear at some SNR points where there is no enough MCS granularity.
Simulation parameter settings Values Bandwidth 10 MHz FFT size 1024 Carrier frequency 2.5 GHz Subframe structure According to the latest revision of IEEE 80216m-08/003r6 Channel Model Modified ITU PedB/VA with spatial correlation Mobile speed 3 km/h Antenna configuration 2x2, 4x4 Receiver algorithm MMSE Channel coding & modulation 16e 11 MCS & new MCS Channel estimation Perfect channel estimation HARQ scheme Synchronous HARQ with Chase Combining, Retransmission delay = 8 TTI with maximum 3 retransmissions and initial target PER of 10% CQI feedback period and delay Every 8 TTI Scheduling method PF Cell to cell distance 500m BTS power 46dbm Shadow fading 8dB UE noise figure 9dB Link adaptation method RBIR for MMSE receiver and SISO