IT’S MURDER! Ian Ivans, a UPS delivery man is found dead in his truck on 221 just west of Forest Middle School. Autopsy results indicate a struggle took place and Ian was strangled to death. There is blood on the scene. Packages are missing from the truck. There are no witnesses to be found!
INQUISITION OF SUSPECTS - all adamantly proclaim their innocence - all want to see their lawyers
SUSPECT X Bob Smith age - middle thirties prior convictions for armed robbery apprehended shortly after murder in Bedford driving recklessly on an expired license. No contraband found in his possession hands are cut in several places - says it’s because he works construction
SUSPECT Y Jim Dale age - late forties suspected of being romantically involved with Ian’s wife, Pam unexplained scratches found on the back of his neck
SUSPECT Z Pam Ivans wife of Ian says she was with Jim the entire day planning a surprise party for Ian suspicious cuts on both hands - claims she got them while picking blackberries with Ian shocked that anyone could suspect her since she is such a loving and devoted wife
YOUR ROLE?! YOU are the lab worker who has been handed DNA samples from the three suspects involved plus the DNA from the blood at the crime scene. Using molecular biology techniques, your job is to determine which of the suspects was present at the crime scene.