La Hora Latina
As you go through the slides you will see some questions As you go through the slides you will see some questions. When you get to a question, write down your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Please make sure your name is on the paper. When you are finished, you will be handing in your answers to the questions.
Para Discutir Are you a person who is usually early, on time, or late? If someone is always late, what do you think about them? What types of things are important to be on time for? What are some negative consequences to being late to school? A job? A doctor appointment? A party? In what situations is it not so important to be on time?
La Hora Latina For many Hispanics, not being on time is culturally acceptable
La Hora Latina It is completely normal for someone to be up to 30 minutes late for a meeting or appointment
La Hora Latina If it is a social occasion (party), it is normal to be up to 60 minutes late (nobody wants to be the first one at a party!)
La Hora Latina 6. Have you ever heard the phrase “fashionably late”? What does it mean?
Invitations Invitations to parties and events will only list the time the event begins The host/hostess will assume that most people won’t arrive until around an hour after the listed start time As a result, if there is a dinner, it will most likely not be served until about 2 hours later than the time listed on the invitation Invitations will not usually list what time a party ends – some people consider it rude
Invitations 7. Is this similar or different to the information people usually provide on invitations in the United States? Give 2 examples to support your opinion.
La Hora Latina Present time oriented What is happening now tends to be more important than what you may need to do in the near future (like attend that meeting) If you run into a friend, you would stop and talk even it makes you a little late
You’re throwing a surprise party for your friend Juan You’re throwing a surprise party for your friend Juan. You sent out the following invitation to all of his friends and family (most of which are Hispanic) a few weeks ago. 8. When should you tell Juan to arrive at your house considering that the party is a surprise and you want to make sure all the guests have arrived before Juan does? 9. What time should you expect to serve dinner? 10. What time should you tell people to leave?
What would you do? 11. You are supposed to hang out with your friend Juan (from Mexico) after school. He said that you could come over at 6:00. It’s almost 6:00 now and your mom is bugging you to clean up your room before you leave. 12. You run a business and just hired a man from Puerto Rico to work for you. You notice that he rarely arrives to work on time and has trouble meeting deadlines.