International Academic Mission of Universidad Católica de Uruguay (UCU) at Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH)
Why working together? Both UCU and UAH belong to the Association of Jesuit Universities in Latin America (AUSJAL Network). Similar academic offer devoted to Business, Human Sciences, Law, Psychology, Education, Humanities, among others. Similar students´ profile
Universities at a glance… UCU UAH Number of Students: 8,000 Undergraduate Academic Programs: 35 Graduate Programs: 55 Number of Students: 7,500 Undergraduate Academic Programs: 36 Graduate Programs: 28 Socio-economic level of students: low – medium class First generation at University Students receive scholarships or have some kind of financial aid
UCU – Theoretical Area Program Contents Elective course offered by UCU´s School of Business (Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales) and can be done at Jesuit Institutions from Argentina, Brazil and Chile. 5-day Program 2 times per year (May and October) It has been offered since 2011 (167 students). 2 areas - theorethical and practical contents: The Program deals with the cultural, social and economic reality of the country to be visited and its main characteristics. The students must write two reports: before and after the trip. Evaluation consists of: Attendance (mandatory). Accomplishment of academic requirements (theoretical and practical components): two reports. Good behaviour of the students.
UAH – Practical Area Program Contents: Joint program between the School of Economy and Business and Department for International Cooperation. Visit to Companies of relevant areas of the Chilean economy: Mining, Forestation, Wine Making Industry, Logistics, Retail, etc. Cultural visits: City tours, Wine tasting, Museums, among others. Visit to INFOCAP (Jesuit Training Center for Workers): a Jesuit educational institution devoted to the technical training of workers in the context of social vulnerability. The purpose of this visit is to relate the academic component with a first-hand intensive Service-Learning experience. Lectures/Seminars with representatives from: Foreign Investment Commitee, Central Bank, Fundación Imagen de Chile, Ministry of Economics, etc.
Strenghts - Joint venture between two AUSJAL institutions - “Initiation” in professional life: relevance in personal and academic development and professional performance - Allow students to become more confident: Theoretical and practical content Students evaluation: Students would like to spend more time in the country and know UAH´s students. A good experience that allow students to know business and/or entrepreneurship areas not developed in Uruguay. Inmersion into Chilean culture
Thank you! Carolina Greising: Constanza Bauer: