Nuclear Techniques in Material Sciences: The Ion Beam Laboratory Coordinator: Eduardo Alves Mission: National facility to provide the Scientific and Industrial communities with unique ion beam processes for material characterization and modification. Strategy: Continue and expand expertise into new areas with particular emphasis on: Development of new materials for optoelectronic and magneto-optic applications; Nanotechonologies and Advanced materials; Biomedical and Health applications; Environmental applications; Art and Archaeometry; Geosciences. E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
Where we are..... E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
The Site E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
2.5 MV Van de Graaff PIXE/NRA RBS-C ERDA ION Implantation -probe The Laboratory E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
The Groups (ITN/CFNUL) External Users Materials Science Applications Nuclear MicroProbe Applications Materials, Art and Arqueometry Luís C. Alves Rui C. Silva Márcia Vilarigues (PhD Student) Health and Biology Teresa Pinheiro Patrícia Napoleão (PhD student) Carlos Monteiro (PhD student) Ana Veríssimo (Fellowship) Micaela Amim (MsC student) Inês Batista (Lic. student) Eduardo Alves Rui Coelho da Silva Luís C. Alves Nuno Barradas(20%) Ana Rita Ramos(20%) Katharina Lorenz (Post Doc) Vitória Corregidor (Post Doc) Joana V. Pinto (PhD student) Carlos Marques (PhD student) Elisabete Rita (PhD student) Alexandra Fonseca (PhD Student) Users and Collaborators Mark Breese Carl McHargue Manuel Ribeiro da Silva Luís Redondo Andreas Kling João Guilherme Correia Uli Whal (Postdoc) Experimental Nuclear Reactions Adelaide de Jesus (Fac. of Sci. and Tech.) João Pires Ribeiro( Faculty of Sciences) João Cruz (PhD student) Bruno Braizinha (PhD student) Elemental Speciation Miguel Reis Paula Cristina (PhD Student) Technical staff J. Rocha F. Baptista R. Pinheiro P. Pereira Collaborators Maria Cristina Santos (FC-UL) Ana Viegas-Crespo (FC-UL) Paulo Filipe (FM-UL) J. Silva FM-UL (PhD student) Raquel Silva (FM-UL) Bugalho de Almeida (FM-UL)
Max. Min µm Max. Min. SiSEI Materials for Fusion reactors Art Nuclear Microprobe Human pathologies (metabolism) Skin permeability Impurity content & chemical compatibility Stained glass & paint structure Mineralogy Elemental zonation Biomedicine Photo VFe Ti Max. Min. Fe PbZn Photo E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004) Cell resolution capabilities
Modification of electronic, optical, electrical, magnetic properties – defects, dopant levels, structure Metals and alloys Direct compound formation – surface alloying – corrosion & tribology Oxides and semiconductors IBA Ion Beam Analysis characterization Lattice Site location Ion Implantation New Materials Number and individual composition, thickness and extent of intermixing Quantum dots and multilayers Ga N Materials Science
Human Health and Biomedical Studies Alteration of plasma Se concentration and oxidation markers in COPD patients Skin Fe correlates with plasma Fe content in heamochromatosis patients minmax sc ep Fe STIM Protein Carbonyls (nmol/mg) ControlsPatients SmokersEx-smokers P< P<0.01 P<0.05 Se (mg/L) ControlsPatients SmokersEx-smokers E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
Environmental applications –Aerosol samples –Biomonitoring samples –Uptake modelling Fundamental development –a quest for PIXE based speciation Elemental Characterization and Speciation Satellite data for the 29 th of February Courtesy of SeaWiFS Project NASA/GSFC and ORBIMAGE E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
Art and Archaeometry Si O 2 Na + K + Ca 2+ H+H+ H2OH2O H3O+H3O+ Lin ear ! ER D H incorporationion exchange CaCa CaCa SiSi -PIXE Elemental distributionstructural change, ion exchange Ex.: corrosion in medieval K-rich stained-glass compositions Techniques, provenance, authenticity… Strategies for conservation and restauration (remediation, recovery)… Mechanisms… Decomposition by water … Dissolution of glass network … Reactions with CO 2, SO 2, … E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
Mineralogy and Geosciences Max. Min. 100 µm Sb SCuAg µPIXE elemental distribution Ilm A-Sp Ilm A-Sp Ilm A-Sp A VTiFe Photo Trace element distribution – Vanadium Elemental Zonation - Ag E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
- Charge collection efficiency map - Crystallite size and crystallite boundary role IBIC - Ion Beam Induced Charge IBIL - Ion Beam Induced Luminescence - Charged beam creates electron-hole pairs - The sample is also the detector - radiative recombination of charge carriers - use of a photomultiplier (panchromatic mode) Charge collection efficiency in polycrystalline diamond detectors Detector - SEM image SEMIBI C Co-planar electrode structure IBI L IBI C - There are no grains with both high IBIC and IBIL signals - dead zones are observed - non radiative recombination E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
Support Activities Software development for IBA analyses (N.P. Barradas, NIM B217(2004)479) - Double scattering - Roughness, voids, inclusions - Sharp resonance convolution - Efficient Bayesian inference Non-Rutherford Cross- Section Measurements (A.R. Ramos, NIM B190(2002)95) Technical Developments: Furnaces, Electronics.... E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004) Si(100)/Al2O3 500nm/(CoFeB 2 nm/Al2O3 0.9 nm)×4/Ta 2nm
Output: (2003/2004) Publicatio ns Journals Published: 59 Submitted: 48 Collaborations Projects National Accepted: 13 Submitted: 10 International Accepted: 7 Submitted: 1 National: 18 International: 11 Invite d: 4 Oral: 11Posters: 39 Theses PhD: 2 MSc: 2 Lic.:3 Conferences and Workshops E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)
Thats all thanks for your attention E. Alves, NuPECC Meeting (Lisbon 2004)