Great PAFP performance after intervention Post Abortion Family Planning: Lessons from Marie Stopes International, Ghana Fred Yao Gbagbo (Ph.D, MPH, BSC, SRN, FWACN) Marie Stopes Ghana. Email: Tel: +233(0)243335708 Background There are an estimated 5.5 million unsafe abortions in sub-Saharan Africa every year i In Ghana, evidence shows that 70% of previously pregnant adolescents had attempted at least one abortion, majority of whom are unsafeii Unmet need for contraception in Ghana is approximately 35% and this is higher among post-abortion care clientsiii. In view of this, Marie Stopes Ghana (MSG) in 2014 piloted a Post Abortion Family Planning (PAFP) intervention in all its static centres aiming to improve PAFP uptake Programme Interventions The PAFP intervention was piloted in 2014 and was fully rolled out to all 8 MSG static centres in 2015. Key activities Results Great PAFP performance after intervention 8 out of every 10 Post Abortion Care (PAC) clients received PAFP in 2014: 33% were Long Acting and Reversible Contraception (LARC). Product Rebranded post abortion ‘family planning’ as post abortion ‘contraception’ to increase acceptance by young people Pricing Integrated the costs of family planning into safe abortion services for a one stop shop service Placement PAFP uptake was made a key quality performance indicator for all MSG static centres Centre teams reoriented on PAFP after MA Promotion Clients were counselled on benefits of immediate PAFP uptake. .Consenting clients were provided FP services soon before PAC People Performance of MSG’s Centers’ on PAFP data was analyzed and the results discussed with MSG Centres’ teams every month for action In 2015, 9 out of 10 PAC clients receive PAFP 41% were LARC, showing improvement in PAFP performance after full roll out of the PAFP intervention in 2015 Programme implications Rebranding PAFP and cross-selling of family planning services as a package for post abortion care can effectively increase PAFP uptake. Methodology Routine data on PAFP services were obtained from the service records of 8 MSG centres and analysed. Data covered January 2014 – September 2014 Key Lesson Learned “If the woman we treat for…abortion…is there because she could not get access to contraception, we have failed her. If she leaves us without family planning we have failed her twice” (Post abortion Care Consortium, ICPD, Cairo 1994) iWorld Health Organization (2012). Safe abortion: Technical and policy guidance for health systems 2nd edition. Geneva. iiGlover E, et al. (2003). Sexual health experiences of adolescents in three Ghanaian towns. International Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 29, Number 1, iiiGhana Demographic and Health Survey (2008). Ghana Statistical Service, Accra