AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION House of Delegates New Member Orientation for 2016 Midyear Meeting (This is the slide that will be displayed until the presentation starts.)
Chair, House of Delegates The Officers of the ABA Brief overview of the Officers and the Board of Governors. The Officers of the Association are: Paulette Brown, President Linda A. Klein, President-Elect Patricia Lee-Refo, Chair of the House of Delegates Paulette Brown, President Patricia Lee Refo, Chair, House of Delegates Linda A. Klein, President-Elect
Immediate Past President The Officers of the ABA Brief overview of the Officers and the Board of Governors. Mary T. Torres, Secretary G. Nicholas Casey, Jr., Treasurer William C. Hubbard, Immediate Past President. Mary T. Torres, Secretary G. Nicholas Casey, Jr., Treasurer William C. Hubbard, Immediate Past President
The ABA House of Delegates What is it? Who is it? How does it work? The House of Delegate What is it? Who is it? How does it work?
The House of Delegates What is it? Makes Policy Elects Officers Oversees ABA Commonly referred to as the “House” Policy making body of the ABA Has approved policies on more than 800 issues Vested with the power to elect the officers and the Board of Governors; oversees the ABA
The House of Delegates What is it? Composition of the House of Delegates 52 State Delegates 259 State Bar Delegates 71 Local Bar Delegates 18 Delegates-at-Large 74 Present & Former Officers and Board Members 589 members Current and Former Officers and Board Members Elected State Delegates and Delegates-at-Large Section and Division representatives State and Local bars Territories Affiliated Organizations Members-at-Large
The House of Delegates What is it? Composition of the House of Delegate (continued) 74 Section, Division & Conference Delegates 2 Ex Officio Members 27 Affiliated Organization Delegates 4 Territorial Delegates 8 Goal III Members-at-Large After a Governance Review, and Commission on Governance proposals, the House at its 2015 Annual Meeting approved amendments to its bylaws to provide for an increased Composition for the House (current total - 589 members)
The House of Delegates Who is it? DIVERSITY makes the House work ! ! ! Diversity makes the House works We continually strive to become more diversified. At its 2015 Annual Meeting, the House voted to add Goal III LGBT, and Disability members-at-large seats for the Nominating Committee and for the Board of Governors.
The Board of Governors Who is it? Acts on behalf of ABA between meetings of the House 38 members 6 officers of the ABA 18 district representatives 13 members-at-large 1 law student member The Board is authorized by Constitution to act on behalf of the ABA between meetings of the House 38 members 6 Officers 18 district representatives 13 members-at-Large 1 law student member
Nominating Committee Who is it? Nominates Officers and Board of Governors at each Midyear Meeting House elects at the following Annual Meeting 69 members 52 State Delegates 7 Section Delegates 1 Judicial Division Delegate 1 Young Lawyers Division Delegate 8 Goal III Members-at-Large Nominates Officers and members of the Board of Governors at each Midyear Meeting House elects them at the following Annual Meeting Composed of 69 members
Who is it? Various House Caucuses Section Officers Conference Women’s Caucus Minority Caucus State Bar Caucus Solo and Small Firm Lawyers Caucus Get Involved! Get Involved
The House of Delegates How It Works This is what the House looks like! Screens at the front of the room (point out screens) report number under consideration next item to be considered Salmon slip (show salmon slip) Normal time limits are 10 minutes to present, 5 minutes for additional speakers, pro or con, and 5 minutes to close Limited debate adopted by the House as a special rule and used when there is no opposition to a particular recommendation 3 minutes/2 others/2 to close Floor microphones are not activated until the Chair recognizes the delegate Lunch is not provided so keep in mind that 589 delegates will be going to lunch at the same time and plan accordingly.
The House of Delegates How it Works “How an Idea Becomes Policy?” Show video Patricia Lee Refo, Chair, House of Delegates
The House of Delegates How It Works Consideration & Approval of Resolution by Sponsoring Entity Solicitation of Co-Sponsors Submission to Policy Administration for consideration by Rules and Calendar Rules and Calendar Reviews Resolution for Compliance/Language Consideration & Approval of Resolution by Sponsoring Entity Solicitation of Co-Sponsors Submission to Policy Administration for consideration by Rules and Calendar Rules and Calendar Reviews Resolution for Compliance/Language
The House of Delegates How It Works Rules and Calendar responds to sponsoring Entity Consideration by the House of Delegates If approved, Resolution becomes Association Policy Governmental Affairs Office Lobbies Congress Rules and Calendar responds to sponsoring Entity Consideration by the House of Delegates If approved, Resolution becomes Association Policy Governmental Affairs Office Lobbies Congress
The House of Delegates How It Works Meets twice a year Seating chart House Signature Roster Supplemental Folder Late Reports Amendments/Revisions 177A – Board Transmittal 177 – Board Informational Report Board recommendations House meets twice a year - Midyear Meetings are generally one full day – Monday only and Annual Meetings generally last Monday through Tuesday afternoon. Seating chart (Show seating chart) A seating chart is located at the roster sign in table as you walk in the House. delegates are seated with their state delegations signs on the tables show where each state is located You may leave your seat for bathroom/coffee break or phone call but try not to do so before a vote. House Signature Roster - You must sign this roster for attendance and in order to be reimbursed for Midyear Meetings. The roster is located near ABA registration until the House meets on Monday morning, where it is moved to the back of the House at the roster sign in table. Late Reports and Supplemental Materials in Blue Folders
The House of Delegates How It Works Regular Orders Special Orders Consent Calendar Final Calendar (Meeting Agenda) Final Calendar (is the meeting agenda) Regular orders are printed on the blue pages of the Calendar Items which have been calendared for a time certain are contained on the green pages titled “Special Orders” There also is a Consent Calendar, which is printed on yellow pages.
The House of Delegates How It Works No proxy voting Must be in your seat or in well of House Required Abstention Procedure Voting No proxy voting Delegates must be in their seats or in the well of the House in order to vote Abstention Form (show form)
The House of Delegates How It Works New Member Wisdom
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed ABA’s Website ABA’s website is a wealth of information
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed House of Delegates Website House of Delegates homepage has a important information and resources including: The New House Members Module which includes a FAQ, a summary of the House Rules and Procedures, and other new member related resources. All meeting materials and past meeting documents Election notices and candidates for officer of the association House information including summaries and reports, lists of committee members, links to the ABA and HOD membership directories, links to current of the Association’s Constitution and Bylaw Amendments, and electronic access to the Policy Document Library and Archives.
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Emails with links to the House of Delegates website Make sure you’re subscribed to the House of Delegates list serve and make sure that the ABA and Policy Administration has your current email address As House of Delegates meeting materials become available, an email just like this one is sent to you This email contains links to the meeting documents All meeting notices and materials are available electronically only, including the book of reports and the Summary of Action of the House (hard copies available upon request prior to the meeting and only a limited amount of hard copies are available onsite)
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Assists delegates in communicating with their constituencies in advance 3 months before meeting Sneak Preview Sneak Preview is posted 3 months in advance of the House meeting Consists of as much information as can be gathered on issues being developed for consideration by the House at the next or a future meeting
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Description of resolutions On website after filing deadline Preliminary Agenda Preliminary Agenda is available after the filing deadline Contains a brief description of resolutions that have been filed by the deadline
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Summary of each resolution, reasons for adoption, a summary of its potential impact and minority view On website after filing deadline Executive Summary Executive Summary is available after the Preliminary Agenda Contains the full text of each resolution, and a summary of the report which includes reasons for adoption, a summary of its potential impact and minority views expressed
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Official “call of the meeting” On website approximately 5 weeks prior to meeting Summary of Resolutions Summary of Resolutions is posted approximately five weeks prior to the House meeting The summary is the official “call of the meeting”
Message from the Chair of the House This important message is emailed to the House List Serv just prior to the meeting and is sent by the Chair of the House in order to provide you with a quick overview and confirmation of final arrangements.
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Resources you will need for the meeting of the House are provided electronically prior to the start of the meeting. Documents provided included: the Resolutions with Reports the Preliminary Agenda the Executive Summaries the Summary of Resolutions For your convenience, these documents, together with the Informational Reports, have been posted on the ABA Website. Reports The Reports include the Reports with Resolutions and is provided to you electronically and is online on the House Webpage. Simply go to the House page and under Meetings, click the meeting link for access The Informational Reports are available only online Report 400 on Archiving is submitted at the Midyear Annual Meeting,
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed During the meeting of two day meeting Daily Journal Daily Journal prepared after each day’s session of the House The completed journal is sent electronically to each member after the conclusion of the meeting of the House
Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Daily Journal Select Committee Report Summary of Action Implementation Letters After the Meeting Select Committee Reports on actions taken by the House after each meeting The Summary of Action is a publication which provides the “official” action taken by the House on each Resolution. It is available on ABA’s website approximately 3 months following each Midyear and Annual Meeting In conjunction with the Governmental Affairs Group, letters are sent by the Office of the Secretary to the appropriate congressional committees, federal agencies, and members of the executive branch to inform them of House action
How to Stay Informed Delegate Handbook Online Policy and Procedures Handbook (Greenbook) Online Constitution and Bylaws Summary of House Rules of Procedures Online Redbook There are certain resources you should become familiar with: Delegate Handbook which is posted in the New Member module on the House of Delegate’s page. The Association’s Policy and Procedures Handbook, also known as the “Greenbook”, is a quick reference guide to internal operating procedures and Association policy and is available in hardcopy and online. The Constitution and Bylaws contains the Rules of Procedure for the House of Delegates. The ABA Leadership Directory, more commonly called the “Redbook” is available online and in hardcopy
The House of Delegates How It Works Midyear Meetings Air/Ground transportation to and from as long as present at end of meeting Annual Meetings No travel reimbursement Important Note: Delegates attending House Committee meetings during Midyear and Annual Meetings are eligible for per diem reimbursement. A Reimbursement Form MUST be submitted. Reimbursement At Midyear Meetings - reimbursed for necessary long distance transportation on the basis of coach or economy airfares, and for local transportation to and from the airports. Delegates must be present at the end of the meeting of the House to be eligible for reimbursement of their travel expenses. House Committee members are eligible for $100 per diem for each day their committee meets at both the Midyear and Annual Meetings. A Reimbursement Form MUST be submitted. Reimbursement forms will be available at the House meeting at the roster table. No travel reimbursement is made for Annual Meeting
Committees of the House Credentials and Admissions Drafting Issues of Concern to the Legal Profession Resolution and Impact Review Rules and Calendar Select Technology and Communications The House has a number of standing and special committees, including: Credentials and Admissions (Chair, Hon. Leslie Miller) Drafting (Chair, Tracy A. Giles) Issues of Concern to the Profession (Chair, Palmer Gene Vance II) Resolution and Impact Review (Chair, Michelle A. Behnke) Rules and Calendar (Chair, Reginald M. Turner, Jr.) Select Committee of the House (Chair, Karol Corbin Walker) Steering Committee to the Nominating Committee (Chair, Randy M. Noel) Technology and Communications (Chair, Trudy Halla)
Staff Support Policy and Governance Group Your information resource for the House of Delegates and the Board of Governors: Alpha M. Brady, Associate Executive Director and Chief Governance Officer Rochelle E. Evans, Director, Division for Policy Administration Carri L. Kerber, Assistant Director Leticia D. Spencer, Technology & Committees Manager The Policy Administration Office provides staff resources to the House of Delegates and to the Board of Governors, Chair of the House and the Secretary.
Thank You and again, WELCOME to the ABA House of Delegates! That concludes my presentation please feel free to contact me, any member of the Select Committee or staff liaison Leticia Spencer if you have any additional questions or need more information. Thank you for your attention