Chapter 12 Lesson 1 Section 1: defining AND explaining abnormal behavior Section 2: anxiety and anxiety-related disorders
1. Defining and Explaining Abnormal Behavior Behavior that is… (A. Three Criteria) deviant (atypical) maladaptive (dysfunctional) personally distressing (despair) Photo credit: Ingram Publishing (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
B. Culture, Context, and the Meaning of Abnormal Behavior Cultural Norms discussion
C. Theoretical Approaches to Psychological Disorders Biological Approach: Medical Model disorders with biological origins Psychological Approach experiences, thoughts, emotions, personality Sociocultural Approach social context Biopsychosocial Model interaction of biological, psychological and sociocultural factors Vulnerability-Stress Hypothesis (Diathesis-Stress Model) (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
D. DSM-V Classification System Advantages provides a common basis for communication helps clinicians make predictions naming the disorder can provide comfort Disadvantages stigma (shame, negative reputation) medical terminology implies internal cause focus on weaknesses, ignores strengths promotes over-diagnosis Note: More Advantages & Disadvantages: Naming the disorder can also collect insurance benefits. And, in some cases, it can make a client feel justified in their inappropriate behavior. Photo credit: © Real World People/Alamy (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity over-diagnosed Diagnoses skyrocketed by 2000% from 1988 to 2010. traditionally considered a childhood disorder 2/3rds persist to adulthood (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
2. Anxiety-Related Disorders uncontrollable fears that are disproportionate and disruptive generalized anxiety disorder panic disorder specific phobia social anxiety disorder Anxiety-related, but not DSM-5 anxiety disorders: obsessive-compulsive disorder post-traumatic stress disorder Photo credit: © Shop Photography LLC (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
A. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms persistent anxiety for at least 6 months inability to specify reasons for the anxiety Etiology biological factors - genetic predisposition, GABA deficiency, respiration psychological and sociocultural factors harsh self-standards, critical parents, negative thoughts, trauma Photo credit: © Shop Photography LLC (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
B. Panic Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms Etiology recurrent, sudden onsets of intense terror that often occur without warning Etiology biological factors: genetic predisposition psychological factors: conditioning to CO2 sociocultural factors: gender differences Photo credits: © 2013 The Munch Museum/The Munch-Ellingsen Group/ARS, NY. Photo: © Scala/Art Resource (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
C. Specific Phobia Diagnosis and Symptoms Etiology an irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of a particular object or situation (e.g., spider phobia) Etiology psychological factors: learned biological factors: genetic disposition Suggestion: Could have students list off the most common objects/situations they find fearful. Note: Help students understand that a fear of (for example) snakes is not necessarily a snake-phobia. There are rational reasons to fear snakes. It is when that fear becomes unreasonable and debilitating that it counts as a phobia, such as quitting school because you heard a rumor that a snake was found in one of the lecture halls. (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
Examples of Phobic Disorders Photo credit: Photodisc/Getty Images (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
D. Social Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations Etiology biological factors: genetic disposition neural circuitry serotonin psychological factors: over-protective / rejecting parenting social experiences Photo credit: Ingram Publishing (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
E. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms persistent anxiety-provoking thoughts and/or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce a situation Etiology biological factors: genetic predisposition over-active brain components neurotransmitters psychological factors: life stress difficulty filtering out negative thoughts Discussion: Ask students what is the difference between being an orderly person who likes things to be clean, and having a cleaning compulsion. (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
F. OCD-Related Disorders Diagnosis and Symptoms persistent anxiety-provoking thoughts and/or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce a situation Subtypes hoarding disorder excoriation (skin picking) trichotillomani (hair pulling) body dysmorphic disorder Discussion: Ask students what is the difference between being an orderly person who likes things to be clean, and having a cleaning compulsion. (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display
F. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnosis and Symptoms Symptoms develop as a result of exposure to a traumatic event, oppressive situation, natural or unnatural disasters flashbacks avoidance of emotional experiences, emotional numbness excessive arousal, startle difficulties with memory and concentration impulsive outbursts Suggestion: Ask students to suggest possible life-experiences that could result in PTSD. Photo credit: © John Moore/Getty Images (c) McGraw-Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display