Personal Selling Chapter 17 “Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships”
The questions Marketing Concept: 1/3 of the class missed What is a product? About 5% missed
Personal Selling Sales people represent the company to the customers and the customers to the company.
Personal Selling Sales Tasks Structure Selling Process Compensation Relationship Process
Sales Tasks Order Taking: the clerk Order Getting: creative selling Sales Support Missionary Sales Sales Engineer Team Selling
A career in sales? Wanna sell life insurance in Chicago?
Salesforce Structure Territorial Product Sales Force Customer Sales Force Complex Sales Force
Selling Process Prospecting Preapproach Approach Lead Prospect Qualified Prospect Preapproach Approach
Selling Process (2) Sales Presentation Handling Objections Canned Formula Need Satisfaction Handling Objections
Selling Process (3) Closing the Sale Follow-up trial close direct assumptive standing room only Follow-up
Compensation Commission Salary Salary and Bonus
Relationship Model Awareness: unilateral posturing Exploration: search and trial attraction: rewards and benefits communication and bargaining norm development: expectations
Relationship Model (2) Expansion Commitment Dissolution