West Valley – Mission CCD Board of Trustees August 20, 2016 Board Role in Planning West Valley – Mission CCD Board of Trustees August 20, 2016
Your Thoughts & Questions on Planning in WVMCCD
Effective Planning Clear, shared direction for action Reflects external and internal environment Framed by mission and vision Respond to future needs and goals Inclusive planning process Linked to resources Capable of being monitored Plans are linked, or integrated All activities, operations linked to plans Ongoing process.
Board Role Overview Expect that planning occurs Set standards for effective planning in policy Adopt policies that define the vision, mission and direction of the district Delegate planning and implementation Monitor progress toward goals
Ensure Planning Occurs WVM BP 3250 establishes expectations Reflects accreditation standards “district has and implements broad-based comprehensive, systematic, and integrated planning” “involves appropriate segments of the college community” is informed by data and information Identifies the plans that are expected (reflects Title 5) Identifies which plans require board approval Identifies board role and delegation to Chancellor Identifies timelines Should values and vision be in this policy?
Types of plans Educational Master Plans Facilities Plans Specific Plans Plans required by Title 5: SSSP, Equity, EEO,etc Technology, staffing, equipment replacement Strategic and/or Long Range Plans Integrate the goals in the above plans College specific District wide strategic directions
Set Policy Direction Board policy provides broad framework for planning, which includes: Values Vision & Mission Strategic Directions (district-wide) Expectations for Student Success Expectations for Community Impact What the college contributes to the public good
Approve plans Those required by Title 5 Others? Board approval should be contingent on these conditions: Plans further (are framed by) district values, vision, mission, and strategic directions (if any) Policy criteria have been met Plans inform with budget development process They meet legal and accreditation requirements Plans become policy
Monitor Implementation Progress Identify what the board wishes to monitor Long-range and annual goals Identify the type of information/reports most helpful to the board “dashboard” Establish targets and timelines if appropriate Establish a reporting calendar Review and discuss the reports; ask questions
Identify Annual Priorities Chancellor and Board priorities align District strategic directions 5-6 year align with college strategic plans Board identifies priorities within strategic directions Tasks for the board (expect, monitor, revise policy, advocate)
Some Thoughts “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” Yogi Berra “It will not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near one.” J. R. R. Tolkein “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Dwight D. Eisenhower
Thank You Dr. Cindra Smith Board Facilitation and Development cindrasmith@comcast.net