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Presentation transcript:

Media Production Richard Trombly Contact : Email : Wechat and phone: +86 13818837641 Media Production

Introduction Lenses Most entry-level camcorders have an integral zoom lens [one that can't be swapped] which allows for versatility in framing and shooting. Zoom lenses are versatile but have certain limitations.

Lenses Focal length, in millimeters (mm) is the basic description of a photographic lens. It is the optical distance from the point where light rays converge to form a sharp image of an object to the digital sensor or 35mm film at the focal plane in the camera.


Lenses The focal length tells us the angle of view—how much of the scene will be captured— and the magnification—how large individual elements will be. The longer the focal length, the narrower the angle of view and the higher the magnification. The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view and the lower the magnification.


Lenses Zoom or Prime - Prime lenses have a fixed focal length Zoom lenses have variable focal lengths.

Lenses The advantage of the zoom lens is its versatility. They are ideal when you are photographing a variety of subjects such as landscapes and portraits, and you just want one lens for both situations. Using a zoom lens also reduces the number of times you need to change the lens which saves time and limits the possibility of getting dust in the camera's mirror box or on the sensor.

Lenses The main advantages of prime or fixed focal length lenses are their size and weight as well as their maximum aperture or f/stop. Can shoot in lower light conditions. Prime lenses tend to be more compact and lightweight than zoom lenses.

Lenses Prime lenses also tend to have a larger maximum aperture (f/1.4 to f/2.8). This is an advantage when shooting in low light conditions as it will increase the possibility of hand holding the camera and capturing the subject without shake or blur caused by the longer exposures. large apertures causes shallow depth of field which is useful for portraiture where you might want a softer or blurred background (also known as bokeh)..

Lenses Prime lenses will have less distortion of the image. By using a high ISO, and wide aperture, you'll be able to use high [fast] enough shutter speeds so you can hand-hold the camera Motion won't be blurred .

Lenses More creative you physically have to walk into- or step back from your subject(s) when shooting—since you can't zoom in and out. This will often cause you to be more creative in their picture making since you are thinking more about camera placement and lens.

Lenses Shooting video with a DSLR or camcorder that allows interchangeable lenses allows you to apply the same skills you have in stills photography.

Lenses Wider aperture lenses we call fast lenses Fast lenses allow faster shutter speeds so less blur. Modern zoom lenses are less restricted.

Lenses Note Zooming in video almost always looks bad Zoom to the desired framing – shoot And then Zoom to switch to another framing Zooms can be cut by editor and then it will be like 2 different shots.

Lenses Zoom versus Dolly Dolly will change the subject image in relation to background Much more like the human eye. Zooms will look unnatural

Lenses Depth of field

Lenses Depth of field

Camera Pan – side to side camera pivot Truck – side to side movement Zoom – changing the focal length of the lens to appear to go in our out. Dolly – to move the camera unit in closer or back away Tilt – up and down pivot pedestal – Move camera up or down on the tripod – not tilt. Crane – move the camera up and down on a large crane or jib