Online Magazine ideas Veronika pumputyte
Make up and skincare magazine SWOT analysis Strengths: I have got a lot of knowledge on make up products and its techniques. If I was to make a beauty magazine I would be able to talk about different make up products; what they do and how to use them, also I could compare different make up brands one to another and explain why some of them might be more expensive than the others. I could not research the audience on all the make up users so I have chosen a particular make up brand “Maybelline”. The average users of Maybelline in the UK are aged 18-24; this is my age range so I feel like I would be able to communicate with the reader well. Weaknesses: My knowledge on skincare is limited, but I have decided to include it as I would like to find out more about it and it is also relevant to the topic of make up Opportunities: The production of this magazine would help me gain experience working with other people; such as make up artists, pharmacists and etc. Threats: The main threat that I would be facing is that there are already a lot of beauty magazines out there so people might not choose to read mine, however I am going to be writing about my own reviews and experiences so it would not be the same as in other magazines.
Pets magazine SWOT analysis Strengths: For this magazine I would include things such as what lifestyle pets live, how to take care of them, what food to feed them and other essentials (strong base of the idea), positive subject to work with. Most people that are interested in taking care of their pets are aged 18-24; I believe I would be able to communicate with the audience well. Weaknesses: I have not got much knowledge on the matter, I do not owe any pets myself. Opportunities: This project would give me an opportunity to learn more about pets by interviewing vets and people who own pets themselves and find out their experiences. Threats: Throughout the process I might be threats such as: the local vet might not make time to talk to me about the subject, also there is so much information on the internet about pets, that people might not choose to visit my online magazine and it would not be successful.
Soap Magazine SWOT analysis Strengths: I enjoy and have an interest in soap magazines, . I have got a lot of knowledge about ongoing TV soaps, This would be useful knowledge when creating my own magazine. Weaknesses: However I am not familiar with ALL the soaps so I have a limited amount of knowledge, another weakness is that I am not working within the industry so I would not know of upcoming events and that is one of the main things that people are looking for in these type of magazines, The audience of EastEnders are mostly women aged 25-39 which would make it harder for me to communicate with the reader because of the language and different use of words. Opportunities: To get in touch with actors, to create a profile how to get into the industry, make sure it is advertised at the end of the soaps, or adverts on the TV. Threats: There is not a lot of information out there on the statistics of the target audience for all the soap magazines (I only managed to find a couple). There are also a lot of magazines out there in W.H. Smiths and another shops and therefore this would be a threat as there are many competitors.
Final Idea My final idea for the magazine is a Make up magazine as I believe I would be able to communicate with the reader well. Also I have got the most knowledge on the subject compared to others which means that I will be able to produce my personal experiences and include my own pictures as I do not own any pets or work with the TV industry. I feel like this topic is offering the best opportunities as I would like to work with beauticians not only for the project but also for personal experience. I believe that the threats that I have mentioned for a beauty magazine are manageable and there is no reason for me not to produce the work to the high standards.
Bibliography YouGov Profiles LITE. (2016). YouGov Profiles LITE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2016]. YouGov Profiles LITE. (2016). YouGov Profiles LITE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2016]. YouGov Profiles LITE. (2016). YouGov Profiles LITE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2016].