The Barricades! Les Mis, and More Revolutions in France 1830, 1832, 1848…
Group Work All these countries began as colonies of England, France, or Spain. Does your country rebel? Does your country gain independence by 1901? If the answer is yes, does your country create a stable democracy? WHY? What are the causes of independence movements and their success or failure?
The Atlantic Revolutions: Chain Reactions American Revolution Inspires France & puts France in debt French Revolution Ideas spread to its colony of Haiti Haitian Revolution Napoleon’s conquest of Spain leaves the Spanish colonies to govern themselves—and they like it! Haiti helps them. Latin American Revolutions French Revolution’s ideals inspire other Europeans and later French Continuing European Revolutions (esp. 1848) Failed Rebellion in Canada (but later given Dominion status) 6 2 5 1 3 4 4
The Haitian Revolution Haiti: 90% African, mostly slaves Reactions to the French Revolution: Gran blancs (“big whites”) horrified Petit blancs (“little whites”) ecstatic Free blacks and mulattoes hopeful; France eventually supports but locals reject Slaves scared, then hopeful Separate slave revolts and actions by free blacks
The Haitian Revolution The turning point: alliance of free blacks and rebel slaves (Toussaint) 1794 France abolishes slavery in its colonies, needing aid vs. other European powers Toussaint makes Haiti de facto independent, and then creates a constitution in 1801 Napoleon sends troops to reestablish slavery in Haiti Toussaint taken prisoner, but Jean-Jacques Dessalines (and yellow fever) beat the French 29 August 1793, Camp Turel Declaration: “Brothers and friends, I am Toussaint Louverture; perhaps my name has made itself known to you. I have undertaken vengeance. I want Liberty and Equality to reign in St Domingue. I am working to make that happen. Unite yourselves to us, brothers, and fight with us for the same cause.”
“Gran Colombia” (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador): Simón Bolívar (“El Libertador”) "The freedom of the New World is the hope of the Universe.” "Morals and lights are our first necessities.” “Nations will march towards the apex of their greatness at the same pace as their education. Nations will soar if their education soars; they will regress if it regresses.” Bolívar (1783-1830), one of the leading generals of the Latin American revolutions
Simón Bolívar, Idealist and Dictator “America is ungovernable. Those who serve the revolution plow the sea.” "Flee the country where a lone man holds all power: It is a nation of slaves." Painting by Ricardo Acevedo Bernal (1867 - 1930) (Wikimedia Commons)
Continuing Revolutions in Europe (1848) What major country here did NOT endure a revolution (except in its outlying possessions)? How did it manage to avoid it? Liberalism: seeking greater rights and democracy Greece & Serbia: gain independence from Ottomans
The Example of France 1815 Louis XVIII restored to French throne; Charles X (the next king) removes the legislature and censors the press (reactionary) 1830 July Revolution: liberals (vs. radicals and vs. reactionaries) succeed in creating a moderate constitutional monarchy under Louis Philippe (the “citizen king”) 1832 Radical student revolution fails, but inspires “Les Misérables” 1848 A recession and corruption embolden radicals to revolt, leading to the Second Republic which elects Louis Napoleon president 1852 Louis Napoleon declares himself the first moderate, then conservative Emperor Napoleon III 1870 Defeat by Prussia causes Napoleon to abdicate, leading to the Third Republic (later replaced with a 4th & 5th republics)