Kapi’olani Community College Art 155 Information Architecture In-class Presentation Week 7B
:: Calendar
:: Example We will take a quick look at a few site map examples that I brought in.
:: Today’s Agenda Today is a full working day. I will be walking around to check-in on the status of your two site maps. Some thoughts on the site map creation process: Always sketch your site map on paper first (not on the computer). Consider using index cards. Consider different visual options. Consider using Power Point for speed and ease. If you are having trouble fitting everything onto one page, consider editing/limiting your site map to only a few levels of depth, or consider using 2 pages to show the full site Consider adding a legend if your site map requires it. Remember to not only post your two site maps on your class web page, but also bring in a printed version to our next class.
:: Assignment due :: 02.26.07 Site Maps (2) Purpose/Objective: To holistically represent a multiple user experience in a visual format. To organize complex data structures using various visual mapping techniques. To conceptually consider the advantages and disadvantages of existing informational structures in order to make organizational changes for improved usability. Assignment: Use Microsoft Power Point, Adobe Illustrator, or any other visual mapping program to create two site maps: Current Site Map of the existing site in its present state Revised Site Map based upon your personal observations and recommendations We will be hanging them up on the walls of our classroom for an in-class walking wall critique. Format: Two formats are due! Printed version: please print out your two site maps and bring them to class – we will have a wall critique. Digital version: Microsoft Power Point document (.ppt). If you used another program, please save out the images and then paste them into a power point document to be posted onto your class web page. Reading: Read the online article: A visual vocabulary for describing information architecture and interaction design by Jesse James Garrett http://www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab/
:: Reading Assignment Read the first part of Chapter 5 from Usability for the Web on information architecture: Chapter 5: pgs. 120-155 Read the online article: A visual vocabulary for describing information architecture and interaction design by Jesse James Garrett http://www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab/