Resources and Referrals for Patients who have Experienced a recent Sexual Assault Gail Starr, RN, BS, MSCJA Clinical coordinator, Albuquerque SANE Collaborative Jen Robinson, WHNP-BC, CNM, MS UNM Adolescent Medicine Division, Young Children’s Health Center, and LARC Mentoring Program Jeff Devereaux, BA Community Education & Outreach Manager, Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico
Conflict of Interest Statement Gail Starr does not have any conflicts of interest Jeff Devereaux does not have any conflicts of interest Jen Robinson is a Nexplanon trainer for Merck There is not commercial or sponsorship support for this activity.
Objectives Understanding, finding, and referencing resources in your communities Recognizing the need and effectiveness in advocacy and counseling
What are Crisis Services? Provide direct advocacy to survivors of sexual assault Support & believe survivors Connect survivors to appropriate resources Confidential support systems for healing Trauma-Informed
Why is advocacy necessary? Trauma associated with sexual violence is deeply personal and intimate Sexual violence is rooted in the taking of power and control from the survivor by their perpetrator Creates a space for tools to be given to facilitate the healing process following an assault More likely to seek long term counseling and medical services following assault
Counseling & Healing People who seek counseling aren’t broken, they simply don’t have the tools to overcome their current trauma response Therapists are trained to give people the tools to navigate their trauma and keep it manageable Provides strong identity growth which integrates their experience as part of their identity rather than fixate on it Provides behaviors that reduce their likelihood of self-harm, such as substance dependency, physical harm to self and others, or self-destructive tendencies
Confidential services
Confidentiality throughout clinic flow Contact info Registration Medical records Allowing adolescents and parents to talk separately Private areas for discussion Staff practices Billing issues
Connecting survivors to additional resources Longer visits Referral systems Train staff to help with navigation Community organizations Refer while patient is still in clinic – model and support navigation skills
Access to confidential EC, STI testing, pregnancy testing, contraception NM Department of Health Family Planning clinics Federally qualified health centers ealth_care/federally-qualified-health-center- fqhc_261qf0400x/nm/
Access to confidential EC, STI testing, pregnancy testing, contraception School based health centers!!
Advice to give the youth Talk about sexual health If you are not comfortable with the topic, find someone who is. Please be very careful discussing risk reduction Make sure you do not victim blame. There is no way to prevent sexual assault. Risk reduction can be helpful but not guaranteed to work: Be careful when drinking Have a wingman at a party if possible. Phone apps to help call for help
Safety and psychological help from the medical team The largest problem with family members that are the offenders is that the blame comes down on the victim. Denial is real and strong Safety for the patient is the number one concern of the medical provider. You may be the only safe contact they have at this time. Are there more people in harm’s way? Are there resources to help this patient? You can be a valuable resource for this patient.
Do patients feel better or worse after a SANE exam? Taking back some control Reassurance Reduced fear re: STI and unplanned pregnancy A chance to tell their story A chance to be BELIEVED ALBUQUERQUE SANE COLLABORATIVE
Local resources SANE Rape Crisis Center peer support: 266-7711 Crime Victims Reparation Commission information and application: Para Los Ninos: For children 0-18 NM Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs connects all these resources. 505-883-8020 phone 888-883-8020 toll-free
National/on-line resources RAINN: online, has links to all Rape Crisis Centers. online site for male survivors is an online teen site IAFN: International Association of Forensic Nurses To find all local SANE programs
NM Crisis and Assess Line Crisis intervention for suicidal and homicidal thoughts Assistance with non-life-threatening mental health emergencies Trauma response Assistance with finding treatment resources Assistance for those who have family members or loved ones who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Vicarious Trauma (Gail) How to self care What are your favorite activities? Are you a talker or do you prefer alone time? Curl up and binge watch RHWOC? Resources Rape Crisis Center: offers counseling for providers Peers Friends Dog/Cat Videos