Are you ready?? EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! The Phonics Dance Are you ready?? EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
sh s - h sh, sh, sh
ch c - h ch, ch, ch
This is a thorn and that is a thistle. t - h, th, th, th This is a thorn and that is a thistle.
wh w - h wh, wh, wh w - h, wh, wh, wh It’s a question word… WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? AND WHICH?
ph When you see ph you don’t say ph you say f--f, f, f. phone
kn When you see kn you don’t say the k you say n--n, n, n. knock
w - r rrrrrr Shhh, don’t wake the W! write
You must be quiet when you visit the queen! q-u kw You must be quiet when you visit the queen!
-ed at the end of a word you say “d, d,” or “t, t.” or When you see –ed at the end of a word you say “d, d,” or “t, t.” or when you see –ed at the end of a word you say “Ed”. looked jumped dusted
ing i-n-g ing, ing, ing swing
er e-r errrr errrr, errrr, errrr! power
ir ur i-r errrr and u-r errrr in the middle of a word. But, it’s bird turtle
ar Car, car c-a-r stick your arm in a jar of stars. a-r ar, ar, ar
or o-r or, or, or I want more fish!
-all a-l-l a-l-l all, all, all
ice ace i-c-e, i-c-e ice, ice a-c-e, a-c-e ace, ace
ow o-w oh It’s snowing! It’s blowing! Will our school be closing? We love SNOW DAYS!
ow o-w ow Going down, going down, D-O-W-N!
get out of here you bumble bee! OUCH!!!! o-u ow O-U-T, O-U-T, get out of here you bumble bee! OUCH!!!!
Some letters a-y, say ay, ay, ay. Hey, do you want to play? Swish, score, hooray! But don’t forget this. . . some letters a-y say ay, ay, ay at the end of a word and don’t you forget it! hay spray crayons
So when you see ‘ai’ you say ‘A’! said to , “Hey i, get out of my way! I’m going to say ‘a’ today!” So when you see ‘ai’ you say ‘A’! train snail
eigh e-i-g-h A-A-A-A Hey neighbor! How much do you weigh? Eighty pounds! eighty neighbors weigh
oi o-i oi, oi, oi in the middle of a word point oil
oy But it’s o-y oy, oy, oy o-y oy, oy, oy at the end of a word. boy toys
ee When you see the double e you say, “ee, ee.” It’s a bumble bee party! e-e-e-e-e-e
you put them together and what do they say? ea You take a scaredy-cat and a scaredy-cat you put them together and what do they say? “eeeeeeee!” teacher ice cream
you put them together and what do they say? ea You take a sick little and a sick little you put them together and what do they say? “ehhhhh!” bread breakfast
igh i-g-h I, I, I lightning frightened
oa said to “I love you!” and said absolutely nothing. So when you see ‘oa’ you say ‘o’! boat toast
He grew turnips to put in the stew! Ewww!! -ew e-w ewww e-w ewww He grew turnips to put in the stew! Ewww!!
Rotten fruit juice! Ewww! u-i …….ewww Rotten fruit juice! Ewww! fruit juice cruise
ue u-e ewww!!!!! u-e ewww!!!! bluejay clue
-oo o-o ooooo Lovey Dovey O’s!
Take a look at a good book! o-o ooooo Take a look at a good book! Bully Brothers!
Do you see the claws on my paws? a-w aww Do you see the claws on my paws?
Audrey went to Austin in her automobile. a-u aww Audrey went to Austin in her automobile.
Millions, billions, trillions of onions! i-o-n, i-o-n, yun, yun i-o-n, i-o-n, yun, yun Millions, billions, trillions of onions! Peeee-yuuuu!!
-tion -sion t-i-o-n shun, shun s-i-o-n shun, shun
And now we’re done!