IP Telephony (iptel) IETF 56
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Agenda Status of the group 2806bis open Issues Other tel related drafts Other URI Scheme Discussion on charter update
Status Update TRIP MIB TGREP New AD Disappointing progress since last meeting (blame the new co-chair) 2806bis updated Few partially interoperable TRIP systems CPL Soon to no longer be blocked on caller prefs Scheme/DTD issue TRIP MIB Revised version submitted addressing MIB Experts comments Awaiting Response from experts TGREP New version submitted Expert reviews and discussion needed Due April 18th
2806bis Semantic meaning Context issues Other issues Relation to enum URI Context issues How do we close this? Other issues Extensions Other open issues?
Other Tel related drafts Number Portability and Free phone draft-yu-tel-url-07 Calling Party’s Category draft-perterson-tel-cpc-01 Trunk Group draft-ietf-iptel-trunk-group Service type parameter in tel URL draft-brandner-tel-svc-00 Is this a desirable feature or not?
Other URI schemes (Time Permitting) enum draft-brandner-enum-uri Relation to tel URI pros and cons of this approach
New Work Items Which documents to adopt? draft-peterson-tel-cpc draft-brandner-enum-uri draft-ietf-iptel-trunk-group Once group decides which to adopt, we will propose dates and new charter
Charter Update Deliverables TRIP MIB TGREP (WGLC start Monday) TGREP (to IESG in May) (Proposed) Update to tel URL (to IESG in June) (Proposed) Extensions to tel URL Free phone extensions (to IESG in June) Other ones?