Evaluation of an Ankle
Anatomy – Bones (Page 522)
Anatomy-Ligaments-Lateral (page 524)
Anatomy-Ligaments-Medial (page 524)
Added Terminology Sprain Strain Fracture Contusion
Most Common injury (page 533) Inversion Sprain
Eversion Sprain (page 535)
Fractures Lateral Malleolus Fracture The lateral malleolus is the bump on the outer part of the ankle and is made up of the fibula bone. Medial Malleolus Fracture The medial malleolus is the bump on the inside of the ankle and is made up of the tibia bone. Posterior Malleolus Fracture The posterior malleolus is the bony prominence of the tibia, and is rarely injured on its own.
Fx Continued Bimalleolar Fractures "Bi" means two, so two bones of the ankle are fractured with a bimalleolar fracture. Most commonly the lateral malleolus and the medial malleolus are the bones that are fractured. Bimalleolar fractures are often make the ankle joint unstable. Trimalleolar Fractures "Tri" means three so in a trimalleolar fracture, all three malleoli (medial, lateral and posterior) bones of the ankle are broken. These are unstable injuries often caused by a large amount of force, disruption of the ligaments, or a dislocation.
Fx Continued Syndesmotic Injury Also called "high ankle sprains" Usually a result of ankle eversion (outward twisting of the ankle joint). May or may not be associated with an actual fracture of the bones of the ankle, but is often treated as a fracture.
Achilles Strain
Special Tests (page 530) Anterior Drawer Kleiger’s test Talar Tilt Muscles testing Bump Test Thompson test Squeeze test
Full evaluation Always get a History Get details of how it happened. Pain out of 10. Did you hear or feel a pop or snap Look for deformity, swelling, and discoloration Palpate entire area: From toes to knee. Special tests on good ankle first, then injured one
Full Evaluation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP17ZY3zx a4