doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [High rate OFDM system for 60 GHz WPAN] Date Submitted: [January 2007] Source: [P. Pagani, I. Siaud, A.M. Ulmer-Moll, W. Li] Company [France Telecom Research and Development Division] Address [4 rue du Clos Courtel, BP 91226, F-35512 Cesson Sévigné, France] Voice:[], FAX: [], E-Mail:[{pascal.pagani ; isabelle.siaud ; annemarie.ulmermoll ;}] Re: [] Abstract: [] Purpose: [Contribution to IEEE 802.15.3c Task Group] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. France Telecom France Telecom
High rate OFDM system for 60 GHz WPAN <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 High rate OFDM system for 60 GHz WPAN Pascal Pagani, Isabelle Siaud, Anne-Marie Ulmer-Moll, Wei Li France Telecom Research and Development Division France Telecom France Telecom
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Outline Motivation Application scenarios OFDM system and PHY parameters Technical features Preliminary simulation results Conclusion France Telecom France Telecom
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Motivation Large amount of available spectrum in the millimeter wave frequency band, alleviating interference and coexistence issues IEEE 802.15.3c Task Group currently studying possible solutions for High Data Rate WPANs operating at 60 GHz High data rate WPAN distribution among appealing applications: a robust and adapted system design is necessary This contribution presents a complete high data rate system for 60 GHz WPAN applications, based on OFDM Proposal built on 60 GHz UWB-MC PHY layer developed within the IST MAGNET project [1], derived from ECMA-368 standard [2] Features over 2 Gbps data transmission [3], compatibility with existing UWB systems and flexible multiple access scheme France Telecom France Telecom
Application scenarios <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 LiveBox home gateway Application scenarios High data rate WPAN distribution Multiple user high rate networking Home or office video streaming Express file transfer Environments Indoor environments (Residential / Office / Library) Hot spots Potential nomadic mode within coverage area Cell mode coverage Envisioned usage requires radio coverage within one (or more) rooms Antennas with wide beamwidth are preferred (30° to 60° beamwidth) Robust modulation scheme required to deal with channel distortion and related ISI France Telecom France Telecom
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 OFDM based design Inherently robust to severe channel conditions Effective ISI mitigation through Cyclic Prefix or Zero Padded suffix Simple one-tap equalization Low complexity implementation using FFT Mature, widely used technology (WiFi, WiMax, DAB, DVB, ECMA UWB) France Telecom France Telecom
Backward compatibility <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Backward compatibility Unit bandwidth of 528 MHz selected to ensure backward compatibility with the existing ECMA-368 WPAN standard Frequency (GHz) 3.1 10.6 57 64 Single band Dual band 528 MHz Possibility to provide dual mode devices with a simple baseband reconfiguration Concept already proposed and assessed within the IST Broadway project [4] France Telecom France Telecom
PHY parameters overview <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 PHY parameters overview Parameter Single band mode Dual band mode RF bandwidth 528 MHz 1056 MHz Number of subcarriers 512 1024 Data subcarriers (possibly including pilots) 496 992 Subcarrier spacing 1.03125 MHz Guard time 178 ns (CP or ZP) FFT period 970 ns Effective symbol duration 1048 ns Modulation QPSK, 16-QAM Channel coding, rate Convolutional code, K = 7, R = {½, 5/8, 2/3, ¾, 5/6} Interleaver Turbo-based interleaver over 6 OFDM symbols France Telecom France Telecom
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Example data rates OFDM Data rate (Mbps) Code Rate Single band mode Dual band mode QPSK 16QAM 1/3 242 484 968 1/2 367 733 1466 5/8 458 916 1833 2/3 489 977 1955 3/4 550 1100 2200 5/6 611 1222 2443 A wide range of data rates available, up to more than 2.4 Gbps Selection of optimum modes of operation through simulations France Telecom France Telecom
Additional technical features <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Additional technical features Advanced turbo-based interleaving [5, 6] Two-stage interleaver: binary stage and sub-carrier stage Flexible adaptive interleaving algorithm with turbo-based Tx structure Time variant interleaving rule at the sub-carrier stage Designed for an optimum exploitation of multipath diversity Channel estimation Scattered pilots: channel assessed for each OFDM symbol Preamble symbol: a complete OFDM symbol used for channel estimation Preamble acceptable due to the low channel time variability France Telecom France Telecom
Multiple user access and flexible data rates <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Multiple user access and flexible data rates MC-SS-MA component as a possible candidate A dedicated spreading code assigned to each user Provides high bit rate granularity and flexibility Increased robustness to channel impairments (tone notches) Concept proposed and developed within the IST Magnet project [7] + OFDM modulation Multipath channel AWGN S/P Tcp Insertion X spreading . Data symbol guard tones code time frequency Pilot insertion MC-CDMA transmission MC-SS-MA transmission France Telecom France Telecom
Multiple user access and flexible data rates <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Multiple user access and flexible data rates Preamble OFDM Spreading Frequency Spreading Block Physical Layer Fragment frequency time code … Mixed TDMA and MC-SS-MA access schemes Lc code length Lc={8,16, …} MC-SS Data rate (Mbps) n={1, …Lc} (Lc=16) Code Rate Single band mode Dual band mode QPSK 16QAM 1/3 15.12 n 30.25 n 60.5 n 1/2 22.93 n 45.81 n 45.82 n 91.63 n 5/8 28.63 n 57.25 n 114.56 n 2/3 30.56 n 61.06 n 122.19 n 3/4 34.37 n 68.75 n 137.5 n 5/6 38.19 n 76.37 n 152.68 n France Telecom France Telecom
Preliminary simulation results <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Preliminary simulation results TG3c channel models (Matlab code r0p85) Office LOS (CM3.2), Office NLOS (CM4) Library LOS (CM5), Library NLOS (CM6) No spatial filtering applied Simulation scenario 64 packets (payload 2048 bytes) for 100 different channel realizations (a total of about 108 transmitted bits) Other simulation assumptions No phase noise No amplifier distortion Perfect channel estimation (using a preamble OFDM symbol) France Telecom France Telecom
Preliminary simulation results <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Preliminary simulation results Parameter Value RF bandwidth 1056 MHz Number of subcarriers 1024 Data subcarriers 992 Guard time 178 ns (CP) Modulation 16-QAM Channel coding, rate Convolutional code, R = 2/3 Interleaver Turbo-based interleaver Channel models tested CM3.2, CM4, CM5, CM6 Data rate 1955 Mbps France Telecom France Telecom
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> January, 2007 Conclusion Millimeter wave frequency band envisioned for high data rate WPAN systems Multi-user high data rate distribution and networking seen as a key application in home / office environments OFDM based system design presented, featuring Wide range of available data rates up to over 2.4 Gbps Backward compatibility with existing lower band WPAN standards Robust modulation scheme for cell mode coverage Advanced turbo-based interleaving Possible flexible multi-user management using MC-SS-MA techniques Simulation results show system robustness in multipath channel Further study: inclusion of phase noise and amplifier impairments France Telecom France Telecom
January, 2007 References [1] IST MAGNET Project, Update D3.2.2a “Candidate Air Interfaces and Enhancements” IST-507102, My personal Adaptive Global Net, deliverable D3.2.2b, Dec. 2005, [2] Standard ECMA-368, "High Rate Ultra Wideband PHY and MAC Standard", 1st Edition – Dec. 2005, [3] Sadri, A., et al., "802.15.3c Usage Model Document", IEEE 802.15 Working Group for WPAN, no. IEEE15-06-0055-06-003c, January 2006. [4] IST Broadway Project, "Architecture Proposal for RF Front End with special requirements on dual 60 GHz and 5 GHz solutions", deliverable WP4 - D4, Aug. 2002. [5] Siaud, .I & Ulmer-Moll, A.M, "A novel adaptive sub-carrier Interleaving application to millimeter-wave WPAN OFDM Systems" (IST MAGNET project), accepted to IEEE Portable 2007 Conf., to be published in March 2007. [6] Cassiau, N., Siaud, I., Ulmer-Moll, A.M, Hunziker, T. & Schoo, K., "Coexistence Aspects of the MAGNET PAN-optimized Air Interface Targeting High Data Rates", WWRF#17, Helsinki, Nov. 2006 . [7] Fazel, S., Cassiau, N., Siaud, I., Ulmer-Moll, A.M., Hunziker, T. & Westmeier, M., "Advanced algorithms for link level simulations of the MC-SS air-interface", IST MAGNET Beyond Project, deliverable IR 3.2.1, Dec. 2006. France Telecom
Thank you ! Questions ? January, 2007 Thank you ! Questions ? France Telecom