Update on Implementation of Proposed Rates for CII Customers; Outreach Debby Cherney November 1, 2017
Background for Update October 18, 2017 Board Meeting raised several questions and comments: Impacts to Commercial, Industrial and Institutional (CII) customers from current non-tiered rates and meter ratio changes When residential allocation-based rates were implemented, extensive advanced outreach was conducted to provide customers time to adjust to the new system For Fruitvale CII customers, change-over to both allocation-based rates and adjustments to meter ratios (fixed charges) had the potential for some customers to experience increased bills
Rate Impact Analysis: Fruitvale CII Customers Based on historic usage, the 55 Fruitvale Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Customers* would be expected to see adjustments in their bills: Decrease in bills: 9 accounts (16%) Increase of less than $7.00/month: 18 accounts (32%) Increase of between $10.00 and $15.00/month: 12 accounts (22%) Increase of more than $15.00/month: 16 accounts (29%) * Current Fruitvale CII customer current average monthly bills is $166.40
Proposed Transition Plan Delay the transition of CII Customers to allocation-based rates until January 1, 2019 During 2018, outreach to affected customers including (as appropriate for each account): On-site water use audits; Conservation incentives (irrigation system retrofits, turf removal, recycled water conversions; Validation on indoor/outdoor use characteristics; Installation of AMI meter(s); Reduction of meter size and fixed charges, where appropriate; and Provision of shadow billing for three months prior to January 2019 Cap the increase on 1”, 1.5” and 2” meters daily service charge at 10% (similar to residential 10% cap). No separate action is required by the Board to adjust the Prop 218 notices
Proposition 218 Notice Outreach Updates
Web Banner: emwd.org Began appearing October 20, 2017
Email Sent November 1, 2017 to all eBill customers (~65,000 accounts)
Next Steps Activity Date Public Hearing to Adopt Proposed Rates November 15, 2017 Updated Rates reflected on customer bills January 1, 2018
Contact Information Debby Cherney Charles Turner Deputy General Manager Director of Finance (951) 928-6154 (951) 928-3777 Ext. 4363 Email: cherneyd@emwd.org Email: turnerc@emwd.org